The 5th Interactive Story Event 📖 ✍

Welcome to my Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-03-07T16:00:00Z

What is it?

It’s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. I’ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

I’ll post a part of the story. Then there’ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, I’ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then I’ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes there’ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please don’t spam it. I’ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isn’t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that you’ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

I’ve prepared a few different endings and I don’t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Don’t worry, I’m working on new stories so it doesn’t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but it’s a first for me in most of the genres because I’ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, I’ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in it…sorryy but I’ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope it’s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
I’ll make some polls at the end to find out how much y’all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event




Amazing, looking forward to this!


Ooh, I’m excited to read it! Hopefully I don’t miss it


You’re 17 and holidays are about to start. It’s time to decide how you’ll spend part of them! You can either travel with or without your family.

  • Travel with your family to the beach
  • Travel without your family to a big city

0 voters




It took you some time to convince your parents to let you go without them. Your best friend’s parents and your parents also had a few discussion about where you’ll stay and how long you are allowed to stay away.
Now, your older brother is driving you and your best friend to the train station. In about half an hour, you’ll be in your room at an youth hotel. Apparently, there’ll be many other teens there. Your parents told you that there’s some kind of workshop taking place right now, but you weren’t really interested.
Your best friend is a bit nervous, which you notice while walking out of the train station into the big, lively city. It’s really loud and there are many people running around. “Do you have the address of our hotel?” You take your phone out and go through your notes. After checking the address on your online map, your friend says “We can walk to the hotel, it’s just 15 minutes away.” You considered calling a taxi, but walking could also be a good idea?

  • Walk to the hotel
  • Call a taxi

0 voters

I’ll make this decision for you so you get a new story!




You decide to call a taxi because you don’t feel comfortable walking around in a city that you don’t know. After 5 minutes of driving, you think you’re almost at the hotel. Your best friend is listening to music with her headphones and you’re texting your brother. You’re really tired so you close your eyes for a second, but a weird sound makes you open your eyes and look up from your phone. It sounded like a car crashing into something, but you don’t see a car accident around you so you believe it’s just the music from your best friend’s headphones. You don’t bother telling her to turn it down a bit, she’d just laugh at you anyways. You want to get back to texting your brother, but your phone’s screen is black and you can’t turn it back on. A weird smell catches your attention. Smells like something just got burned…did your phone overheat? You need to tell your brother that you won’t be able to text him back so you turn your head to your best friend to ask for her phone. Wait…where is she? She was just sitting right next to you and now she’s gone while the car’s still driving? “Very funny, you can stop hiding now” you say, a bit annoyed. No one replies.
The car stops and the driver tells you to get out. Before you can pay him, he drives away. You look around, the weird smell is gone but you’re all alone in a city without any help. Now you notice something else: something’s wrong with the people here. They all look so…similar! You need to get to your hotel and find your friend before you lose your mind. You could try talking to the people around you?

  • Ask someone for help.
  • Don’t ask them for help.

0 voters




You try asking someone for help. A man in a suit walks past you and you try to stop him. He totally ignores you. “Sorry, do you know…Hey! Hello?!” you shout. But nobody seems to notice you. You step right in front of a man and stop him from walking. He looks at you, shakes his head and walks around you. What’s going on?
“Come on, look at me!” you say, but nobody seems to hear you. “Just open your eyes” you hear someone say, but you can’t see who it was. There are so many people around you but nobody talks. It’s awkwardly quiet. They all look like…robots? Then you see a guy in bright clothes. Now you notice that you two are the only ones wearing colorful clothes. Everyone else wears black suits. The world itself is really dark. The guy sees you and runs over to you. “Hey! Can you help me?” You see the relieve in his eyes as he realises that you noticed him as well. “I can’t, I’m new here.” “Same, I just came here to go sightseeing.” You introduce yourself and the guy introduces himself as Will. Before you can say anything else, Will covers his ears with his hands. You look at him a bit confused. “Can’t you hear all those weird noises?” he shouts although it’s totally quiet around you. You shake your head and wait till Will is back to normal again. Then you hear someone shouting your name and turn around. There’s nobody talking to you. Turning back to Will, you see him looking at you confused. “It’s quiet, but then one of us hears something that the other one doesn’t. What’s going on?” You start to get really scared of the whole situation. “Let’s go and look for something that can help us” says Will. Where should you go?

  • Find a police station
  • Find your hotel

0 voters




Stop @ing me please

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You tell Will about your hotel and that you friend is probably there. However, you don’t really believe that your friend is there. Something weird is going on, she just disappeared out of a driving car! You look around, trying to figure out where you came from. Will looks for street signs or anything that could show you the way. “Get her in here!” you hear a voice shouting. Then you suddenly see a building down the street, that looks like it’s shining. Will sees it as well and tells you that he heard a voice saying “This room’s free!” You try to make sense of it all while walking toward the shining building.
When you reached it, Will stops you from walking inside. “Maybe we shouldn’t just walk inside? We don’t know if this is really your hotel. What if we walk in there and they think we’re breaking in?” He’s probably right, but you have a feeling that you need to get in there. Again, you hear that weird voice that just you can hear: “Time’s gonna tell if she gets through.” The building seems to pull you closer with its brightness. But what about Will?

  • Try convincing him to come with you
  • Leave him outside

0 voters

This is the last one for a few hours because I need to sleep :see_no_evil:




I always miss this because I’m sleeping, but it’s an awesome event. :rofl::white_heart:


You try to make him come with you. “Maybe there’s someone in there who can help us! I don’t want to stay out here with all those weird people in suits.” Will looks around. “I don’t know, it’s not that bad here.” “But we won’t find our ways back home alone. Don’t you want to go home?” “Home? I don’t know.” Will seems tired. You try to pull him closer to the hotel, but he’s too strong. A familiar voice makes you shiver: “Come on, I need you.” Was that your brother? You look around but you don’t see him anywhere. He has to be in the hotel! “Don’t you hear those voices as well? There are people in that hotel that are like is!” “I just hear some beeping noises” Will says. He looks pale. “Please wake up” you hear your mother say. In that moment, you decide to go into the hotel without Will. Maybe he’ll follow you once he sees that you’re safe in there. You open the door and see a bright light. You take a last look at Will before entering the hotel. You close the door and everything turns black.

“She’s waking up!” you hear your brother shout. You open your eyes and the bright light hurts your eyes. “Go get the doctor!” your mother says and grabs your hand. “How do you feel?” you father asks. You take a deep breath before trying to sit up, but your parents push you back down. “Take it slow, that’s what the doctor said. Do you remember anything? Do you know where you are?” You try shaking your head, but it hurts. However, your father seems to understand: “Your taxi got hit by another car. You were in a coma for two days.” Your brain tries to make sense of it all. A weird feeling makes you start crying and your mother cries as well. Your best friend, she was with you in the taxi. You try to ask for her, but as soon as your mother hears her name she just shakes her head.
The doctor comes in with your brother and checks the monitors around you. “Did you hear something while you were sleeping?” the doctor asks and you remember that weird city with all those people and the voices that only you could hear. Then something else comes to your mind. A name of someone you don’t even know. “Will?” you say but you’re not sure that someone could understand it. Your voice is really quiet and speaking hurts. Your parents are confused, the doctor just looks at you and tries to make it more comfortable for you. But one look at your brother shows you that he understood: “Will? Do you mean the guy in the other car? How do you know him?” Everyone stares at you and your head is filled with hundreds of thoughts. You’ve had a dream about a guy who was in an accident with you and you didn’t even know him before that. You try sitting up again, you want to see that guy! The doctor tells your parents to watch you so you don’t stand up, but it’s not working. Everything in your mind tells you to go see that guy. You’re almost out of the bed when you get dizzy and need to sit back down. The doctor tells you that you can’t stand up because you’ve been in a coma. You just glare at him in anger. Your mother tries to make you lay back down but she knows it’s useless. You father asks for a wheelchair and your brother tries to explain what he thinks you want: “Let her see that guy, Will. Why does she know his name, maybe there’s something more to this! Get her in his room.” The doctor nods, seeing that he won’t be able to stop you. He tells you that leaving your room at your own risk can be really exhausting and that you have to wait for a nurse to go with you.
A few minutes later, you’re sitting in a wheelchair on the way to Will’s room. As you get in there, it’s quiet. Nobody is standing at his bed. There are just some beeping noises from the monitors around him. As you get closer, you recognize his face. He’s as pale as he was in your dream. Do you talk to him?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




Sorry, I’m sleeping when you’re awake :sweat_smile:

1 Like

i got goosebumps how good this is!


You try to gather all of your energy to say something, but your first try fails miserably. Your throat hurts so much. Your father asks the nurse where Will’s parents are. “We tried calling them a few times, but nobody picked up the phone.” “So he’s been all alone here since the accident?” your mother asks. “Yes, but he’s in a coma so it wouldn’t make a difference” the nurse says. Her words make you angry. How can she be so inconsiderate? You’ve been in a coma as well but you knew your family was close to you. Their voices made your dream less scary and it even helped you wake up. You want to try talking again, but you just manage to whisper: “Hey Will, remember me? I’m here now.” Nothing happens. Of course, what did you expect? You start crying again as you think about your best friend. She wasn’t in your dream, she just disappeares. You’ve lost her. And it looks like you’re losing Will too. You don’t even know him, but he was there when everyone else didn’t notice you, even if it was just a dream. Your mother starts crying again because she sees you crying. You brother looks at you, then at Will. “Hey man, my sister knows you for some weird reason and it would be awesome if you could wake up so I can get to know you.” Your father joins in: “Right, she’s waiting for you to open your eyes.” “We’re waiting for you to open your eyes” your mother says. You can’t hold back a small smile because of your lovely family. A few minutes later, the nurse wants you all to leave but you’re not ready. While she pushes your family to the door, you look at Will and with all you have left you say: “Just have a look inside the hotel. Come meet me in my room.” Then the nurse comes and takes you back to your room.

The next day, you wake up to loud voices outside of your room. Your head hurts, but your throat feels better. You open your eyes and see your mother sleeping on a chair next to your bed. You look around for the rest of your family. They’re not here, so you decide to close your eyes again. Outside you hear someone say “Well, get me a wheelchair!” Just as you’re about to fall asleep again, someone next to you says: “So now you’re the one sleeping?” The voice sounds familiar but rough. You open your eyes and start smiling as you see Will in wheelchair next to you. You’re mother’s already crying again and you’re bad at holding back your own tears. Behind Will is your brother and your father. “The doctor said he woke up so we thought he might be lonely over there” your father says. You look back at Will who’s just smiling. “You told me to come meet you in your room. So now, here I am.”





Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! :relaxed:
Time for some polls :smile_cat:

How did you like the story? (1 = hate it, 10 = love it)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Do you want to be tagged the next time at every poll? (If you already got tagged this time, you don’t have to vote here again unless you don’t want to be tagged anymore)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If you have anything else to say, please feel free to reply to this. I could really use some feedback :see_no_evil:




I really liked this one! :grin::new_moon::dizzy::black_heart:

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I’m glad you liked it :see_no_evil:
I wrote most of it last night whenever I knew what the results of the polls were :joy:

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I’ll try to come up with something new for the next one! I hope you’re looking forward to it. It will start on Saturday :smiley_cat:

@ForumStaff can someone please close this?

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Closed as requested by OP :eyes::sparkles::green_heart: