The 6th Interactive Story Event 📖 ✍

Welcome to my Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-03-14T17:00:00Z
Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:

What is it?

It’s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. I’ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

I’ll post a part of the story. Then there’ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, I’ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then I’ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes there’ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please don’t spam it. I’ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isn’t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that you’ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

I’ve prepared a few different endings and I don’t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Don’t worry, I’m working on new stories so it doesn’t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but it’s a first for me in most of the genres because I’ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, I’ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in it
sorryy but I’ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope it’s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
I’ll make some polls at the end to find out how much y’all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event




Your story starts in a little idyllic village. Far away from all the big cities, you grew up with two loving parents and two brothers. Now that you’re 17, you feel ready to discover the world. Summer holidays are right around the corner and you’re planning to

  • travel to the closest big city with your best friend
  • travel to a beach with your family

0 voters



We’ve had some holidays in the city already, just saying :wink:


You wanted to go alone, but your parents were totally against it and are coming with you. Only your little brother is coming with you, because the other one has a summer job.

Your parents planned everything for you so you probably won’t have much time alone. You’re still their precious little angel and they want to protect you. They put family first. What do you put first?

  • Family
  • Money

0 voters




I want to see another story line :eyes::moneybag::yen::dollar:


Good to know!
Since your parents don’t want to drive all the way with the car, you’re travelling by train. That’s nothing spectacular for you.

Arriving at your hotel, everything seems quite joyful. There are many other people, some seem to be in your age group. However, your parents want you to go to your room first instead of looking around the hotel. You have to share your room with your little brother. Guess who’s already occupying the bed next to the window? Your little brother, of course! But it would be impossible to be mad at him for that, so you just let him be. Unpacking your stuff, your realise that you’ve forgot your phone. Your brother doesn’t have one so you have to use your parents’ ones to text your best friend. Will you go and ask them right away?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




Sorry, most people voted for the other one, maybe next time! :smiley_cat:


In the hallway to your parents’ room are some people talking really loudly. You keep your eyes on the floor because you don’t want them to think that you’re listening to their conversation. A bad idea because you’re bumping directly into one of them. You mumble a quiet “Sorry” before trying to walk away. As expected, you hear them laughing before someone says “You’re new here, aren’t you?” You turn around and smile a bit, nodding. You first look at

  • The girl to your right
  • The boy to your left

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She smiles back at you. “I’m Cara” she says and shakes your hand. The others introduce themselves. You get a few informations about the activities for teens here before you leave them.
A few hours later, it’s time for dinner. Together with your family, you enter the big dining room. On the right you see many different types of food, it’s a self-service restaurant. It smells delicious! Your father finds a free table and your little brother is the first to run to the food. You look around the room and see a familiar face: Cara. She’s sitting on a table closer to the food than your table. She hasn’t seen you yet, do you want to keep staring?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




You keep staring at her, she’s talking to a woman, probably her mother. There is another girl sitting close to her, but she’s definitely younger than you. Maybe she’s her sister? Suddenly she turn her head and stares right back at you! You turn away, then look back at her. She’s waving.
Your mother has watched you and nods as you stand up from your table. A bit hesistant you walk over to Cara and her family. “Hey, nice to see you again” she says before introducing het sister and her mother. “We’re playing volleyball tomorrow at the beach. Do you want to come with us?” “Sure” you answer, feeling a bit stupid for being so uncommunicative. The situation gets even more embarassing when you hear your stomach growling. Yes, Cara, her sister and her mother heard it too. Her sister giggles and gives you the best advice this evening: “Maybe you should get something to eat.” You nod and smile at the mother before you walk away. Did Cara look a bit sad because you walked away or are you just overthinking this situation? Whatever, you’re hungry.
This might be a good time to get to know you better. Do you want to know more about you?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




Let’s see
you go to a regular high school. You’re pretty cool so you have a few good friends. However, you could work a bit on your grades as you want to earn enough money in the future to move to a bigger city. Last year you were too busy with being the Queen of school. But for now, you just want to get your mind off things. That includes your ex-boyfriend. You two had a pretty exhausting break-up. He cheated, you ignored him for weeks, he tried to get you back, you went back to him, he cheated again. Whatever, it’s all in the past. The break-up didn’t hurt your status at school, it made you even cooler! All the boys want you, but
you don’t.

Back to the food! You’re just about to get your next plate full of food, trying to decide if you want fries or salad. “Take the fries.” You jump and turn around. Cara stands right behind you, smiling innocently. “You scared me!” you say while giving her an angry glance before turning back to the fries. “Sorry, I just saw you walking and wanted to talk to you. I have something else to say that I couldn’t say in front of my mother.” You take some fries, acting as if you’re ignoring her. “Come on, don’t be angry at me for wanting to talk to you. My friends are having a bonfire party at the beach later, do you want to come with us?”

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




You turn around again and Cara smiles at the few fries on your plate. “I might be there.” “Great, meet me at the entrance in two hours.” Cara leaves as fast as she approached you, leaving you a bit startled. Why did she invite you to a party when she hasn’t even gotten to know you yet? Well, it seems as if this party is kind of secret, so you won’t tell your parents about it.
After a delicious dinner and an hour of trying to find the perfect outfit for the party, you’re now waiting at the entrance. You told your parents that you’re tired and want to go to bed early. Your little brother just asked for some money so he won’t tell your parents that your not in your bed. “I knew you’d be here first!” Cara says while walking over to you. You roll your eyes, then look around for her friends. You don’t want to seem confused so you don’t ask her where they are. She leads you outside and over the street to the path to the beach. In the distance you see a fire, looks like her friends are already preparing everything.
You walk silently along the beach, hearing music getting louder. Seems like you’re fashionably late. The closer you get to the fire, the more your attitude changes. Whenever you’re around more people your age, you turn into the Queen of school. That makes you confident and outgoing. Otherwise you’re just a typical girl-next-door. “So tell me about your friends.” you say to Cara, who’s also been silent until now. “They are cool and all that. We meet here every year.” “Let me guess, you have a nerd, a silly one, a crazy one,
” you start, but Cara stops you. “No, we don’t. Most of us are just average. But we have a boss.” “And who is that?” Cara just smirks, that answers the question. You could have figured that out by yourself, of course she’s the Queen of her group. “The way you talk about groups makes me think that you’re a boss too. Queen of school?” You just smirk at Cara and nod.
You reach the group and all the others look at you. You flash a smile at the girls and wink at the boys. On the inside, you laugh about yourself. Why do you behave like this around others? One of the girls hugs you and tells you to sit down next to her. The boys turn up the music and Cara hands you a cup. You see others drinking theirs all at once, then looking at you. Do you act cool and drink the whole cup at once?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Sorry, I have to make this decision so you’ll get a new ending



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You drink till the cup is empty. It takes you a second to realize that it was stronger than you’re used to. But nobody seems to notice anything, they’re all chatting and dancing. The situation is new to you, because at school you’re always the center of attention. However, observing others seems interesting as well.
A few minutes later, Cara sits next to you. She offers you another cup which you accept thankfully. “You don’t seem to be enjoying parties.” she says. “Normally I do, but I don’t know anyone here.” “You know me, isn’t that enough?” You smile at her, then shake your head. She sighs. “I’m trying to flirt with you and you just shake your head.” You shrug and say “I’m used to better flirting tricks.” She laughs. “Let me guess: A bunch of roses, a band playing some love songs and a big sign saying ‘Will you go to prom with me’ ?” “You forgot the sparkling necklace as a surprise.” Both of you laugh while you start feeling the effects of your drinks. Cara doesn’t seem to notice. Has someone turned down then music? Are the others still here? Yes, they are, but apparently you start to forget about their presence. The sea makes a calming sound and you want to go swimming. You stand up and take the hand of the girl sitting next to you. What was her name? You don’t care anymore. “Hey, where are you going now?” You lead her closer to the water, grabbing another cup on the way. Oh, now it’s empty. The girl
Cara! She seems to notice that something’s wrong and has a concerned look on her face.
The night is really dark, you can’t even see the moon. Wait
you’ve just closed your eyes, that’s why it’s so dark. “Are you ok? Hey, did you drink too much?” After a short break Cara shouts “Guys, I need your help here!” Why is she shouting right next to your ear? You feel the sand on your hands
did you fall? Does it matter? You decide to sleep now.

When you wake up again, you’re in a white, bright room. Your head hurts and you’re confused. What happened and where are you? You hear your brother’s voice: “She’s awake!” You parents walk over to stand next to your bed and your brother sits down on the end of your bed. “How are you feeling?” he asks. You can’t formulate an answer, so you just ask the first question in your mind: “Where am I?” “In hospital, a young girl brought you here last night. You’ve drunken way too much. How could that happen? Why did you lie to us?” You parents try to get answers from you but you just think about the girl who brought you here, Cara. Where is she? “We’re leaving as soon as the doctor says you’re good to go. We’ll take the next train back home.” So that’s it. That’s the end of your holiday romance. Now, that you’ve started to grow feelings for this girl. And you didn’t even get her number.
A few hours later, you’re at the train station. Your brother is sitting next to you, playing with your parents’ phone. He quickly looks at you, then gets a sheet of paper out of his pocket. “A girl gave me this.” You take it and read what’s on it “I hope you’re feeling better now. Call me. Cara.” There’s also a phone number which makes you smile a bit.





Do you want to be tagged the next time at every poll? (If you already got tagged this time, you don’t have to vote here unless you don’t want to be tagged anymore)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Awww! That’s such a sweet ending! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smile:

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I needed to get some romance so I just made it more romantic this time instead of killing off a character every time :sweat_smile: I hate that

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Closed as requested by OP :smiley_cat: