So, I remembered that this exists and decided to bring it back
This is my ultimate questions list from 2019/early 2020 and it has over 700 questions (no one is sure how many exactly because I was the only one so far who got through them all and I made the mistake of counting questions that were asked multiple times as well)
So, if you’re bored and have nothing better to do you can try to answer all of these, otherwise just see this as a “how many questions can you answer in one go?”-challenge
If you find any doubles, typos or awkwardly worded questions, please point them out, so I can edit them out and slowly make this list perfect
A few of these questions are probably confusing to newer forumers because they talk about forumers, events and jokes from a long time ago, so feel free to skip those or point them out so I can yeet them!
I tried to add in spaces after like every 10-40 questions, feel free to use these points as break points to relax your fingers a bit if they hurt from answering all these questions
Also, warning: my grammar was awful back then, so I’m sorry for constantly using the wrong verb tense in all of these
I think that’s all, so good luck!
I’ll tag @/Activity because that sounds like the perfect challenge for them
warning, it's long!
Fun fact: pasting this list onto the forums almost made my phone crash… Twice…
I'm not kidding
It has over 20k characters and is the result of many of my question thread questions being collected in one list I created at some point.
In fact, it even got stolen once and I was really salty about it
last chance
don't say I didn't warn you
Good luck, have fun!
Can you count the questions you answer so we’ll find out how long this list is?
how the best way to count them would probably be
- Question?
Do you think that you will be able to answer all my questions?
Do you like houseplants?
Is there a story behind your username?
What’s the most important thing in your life?
Favourite mod?
Who do you dislike the most on this forum?
Do you like the episode forum?
What languages do you speak?
What is something you regret doing?
How many questions do you think you will get?
What is something that nobody knows about you?
Favourite school subject?
Are you religious?
How fast can you type?
Your blood type?
Are you an emotional person?
Do you regret signing up for this?
Are you an optimist?
Zodiac sign?
Favourite day?
Favourite time of the day?
Favourite holiday?
Weirdest fear?
Biggest fear?
Best moment of your life?
Worst moment of your life?
Is there anyone who you would murder if it wasn’t illegal?
Do you like video games?
Do you have any unnecessary knowledge that you can never bring up in a conversation?
How many friends do you have?
What’s the most embarrassing moment of your life?
If you could change 1 thing about this world, what would it be?
" " or "
What do you want to try out one day?
Did you ever have a crush on a person from the forums?
Did anyone ever have a crush on you on here?
Your opinion on trees?
Are you a human?
Are aliens overrated?
Are these questions getting too random?
Would you change your gender for a year if you had the chance to?
Your biggest secret?
Did you ever cheat on a test?
Most important life lesson?
Your favourite food?
Did you ever perform on a stage?
Do you like to stare at a wall?
Coffee or tea?
Money or family?
What do you pick first when you play “rock paper scissors”?
What’s the most overrated thing that you can think of?
Favourite Disney movie?
Favourite word?
Favourite car?
Favourite question?
Do you like to take personality tests?
Do you see ghosts?
Did you ever take drugs?
Who do you hate the most on the forums?
Would you ban anyone here if you had the chance?
Who would you like to see as the next question star?
Do you get annoyed by notifications?
What would you sell your soul for?
Do you think that cats are cute?
Do you have any pets?
Do you like your family?
Who do you trust the most on the forums?
What was the worst breakup that you had in your life?
What’s the movie that made you cry the most?
Your opinion on airplanes?
Did you ever stalk someone?
What would you first shapeshift into, if you could shapeshift?
Do you use your phone too much?
Do you answer every question?
Are you easily scared?
Favourite human?
Favourite not human?
Favourite season?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What is your natural hair colour?
What is your eye colour?
What is something that you hear way too often?
Do you trust other people easily?
Do you like sports?
Do you like using the stairs?
What do you consider to be the most impolite thing?
Do you have any hidden talents?
What’s something that you wish you could forget about?
Do you like healthy food?
Did you ever delete a post because you were embarrassed about it later?
Am I annoying?
What’s your opinion on doors?
Do you prefer one of your eyes?
Your weirdest thought?
What would you do if you were the last human on earth?
Do you like cookies?
How long did it take you to answer all these questions so far?
What did you eat today?
Did you stay at home today?
Did you drink enough water?
Would you kill Squidward, Patrick or Spongebob if you had to choose?
If you had to marry a forum user, who would it be and why?
Have you ever played tennis?
Do you like Kangaroos?
Your opinion on pencils?
Are chairs underrated?
Do you think that cats might rule the world in the future?
Do you like to correct other people’s writing mistakes?
Your favourite t-shirt?
Skirts or jeans?
Did you ever feed a dog?
How many dogs did you pet in the last 2 months?
Did the question above confuse you?
How late is it where you live?
What’s your least favourite book?
Do you like to wear bracelets?
Do you have a favourite wall in your house?
A favourite window?
A favourite door?
A favourite house plant?
How many mirrors do you have at home?
Most interesting dream you had?
How many books do you read yearly?
Would you ever backstab a person?
What was the easiest exam that you had in the last 5 years?
What is something that you’d love other people to ask you?
What do you like to watch on YouTube?
Does your phone stalk you?
Do you have many secrets?
When was the last time that you created a poll?
Should I stop procrastinating and actually plan out the rules for the new and improved poll battle?
How would you describe yourself in 2 words?
How many screenshots do you have on your phone?
How many pictures do you have in total on your phone?
Weirdest picture that you have on your phone?
Do you think that we need more polls on these forums?
Do you like the forum dares people come up with?
Who creates the best dares?
What’s your opinion on the star cult?
Why did you join it?
Whose star do you like the most so far?
Do you think that it was a good idea to create the star cult?
Who do you think should join the star cult?
Is there anyone who you didn’t expect to join the star cult?
Were that too many questions about the star cult?
Do you like houseplants?
Do you like being in the spotlight?
Do you like working in a group?
How much water do you drink each day?
How often do you eat each day?
Do you prefer healthy or unhealthy snacks?
Do you sleep in PJs?
What’s your favourite sleeping position?
Who are you most proud of?
Is there any question that you hoped for that wasn’t asked yet? If yes, what’s the answer to it?
How many languages do you speak?
Do you prefer truths or dares?
The dumbest thing you did as a kid?
Do you like polls?
Do you like spiders?
Any secret talents?
Favourite food?
Weirdest fear?
Biggest fear?
Biggest dream?
What do you regret the most?
Do you like your family?
How many hours are you on the forums each day?
Do you like to be tagged?
What’s the best way to annoy you?
Favourite emoji?
Least favourite emoji?
Least favourite forum user?
Do you enjoy answering these questions so far?
What thread would you love to reopen again?
What’s the funniest dare that you saw a forum user do?
What’s the weirdest pm that you ever received?
What’s your favourite category on the forums?
Who is your best friend?
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Do you always tell the truth or do you like to lie sometimes?
What is something that nobody knows about you?
Who was the best teacher that you ever had and why?
What would you sell your soul for?
Favourite movie?
Favourite number?
Favourite unpopular opinion?
Are you prepared for the zombie apocalypse?
Did you like the area 51 raid?
What drawing are you most proud of?
What would be your dream job for the rest of your life?
What’s your favourite book?
What book do you hate the most?
What’s the best gift that you ever received?
Are you also annoyed by notifications and unread topics or am I just weird?
Do you like this emoji combination “”?
Do you like blueberries?
If you’re part of the staff:
What’s your favourite part of being a leader?
What do you hate about being a leader?
Do you like to correct others?
Your favourite car?
Do you like to dance?
Would you rather adopt a kid or a pet?
Do you have a lucky number?
Do you like chicken nuggets?
Your opinion on doorknobs?
Are you happy with yourself?
Where would you like to travel to some day?
Funniest moment of your life?
?sdrawkcab daer uoy naC
Who’s the most annoying forum user?
Do you agree that @/HyperKari is funny?
Do you like chocolate?
Mlem mlem?
Your opinion on trees?
What was the biggest disappointment of your life?
Most important life lesson?
Favourite YouTube video?
Do you believe in ghosts?
How often do you listen to music?
Do you like forks?
Cereals or milk first?
Do you like your hands?
Do you like Lego?
Are you scared of dying?
Do you like to party?
Verstehst du das?
Are you offended because I didn’t use the polite you?
What would you like us to ask more questions about?
Are ducks humans too? (Don’t ask why, just answer it)
Are you a morning person?
What’s your eye colour?
If you could change 1 thing about your appearance what would it be and why?
What was the best life decision that you ever made?
Do you like to open up to people?
What’s your zodiac sign?
Do you like to celebrate your birthday?
Did you ever visit the Oktoberfest?
Do you have a favourite pen?
What’s your favourite outfit?
Do you have a celebrity crush?
Do you like to save your money?
What was the worst injury that you had in your life?
Do you have any tattoos?
If yes: where and why?
If not: would you like to get some, why or why not?
What’s the dumbest trend that you can think of?
Your favourite dog breed?
Your favourite cat breed?
Your favourite bread?
Do you cry a lot?
Are you easily offended?
What’s your favourite smell?
What’s the nicest thing that you did in your life?
What’s the meanest thing that you did in your life?
Who would you like to be the next question star?
What would be the best way to die in your opinion?
What would be the worst way to die?
Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Are you a polite person?
Your opinion on plates?
What’s your favourite accent?
What do you like to do when you are bored?
What movie is overrated in your opinion?
What movie is underrated in your opinion?
Would you rather have a son or a daughter?
Do you like shoes?
What’s your favourite season?
What’s your favourite TV show?
Did you ever take drugs?
Are you a slow walker?
Do you like to paint your nails?
Do you like rain?
What’s the most annoying sound that you ever heard?
Do you think that life has a meaning?
Who do you think will win on the “the last post wins”-thread?
What emoji would describe your current mood the best?
When was the last time you cried and why were you crying?
best one and which one was the worst and why?
Do you like tennis balls?
How many books do you own?
Is there a book that you would love to burn?
Do you prefer the smell of old books or the smell of new books?
Do you swear a lot?
Are you hungry right now?
Will the demon mods ever buy me a pizza?
List as many decimals of π (pi) as you can?
Do you like your handwriting?
Your favourite staff member besides yourself?
Do you like to talk about yourself?
Do you wear glasses?
Can you predict the future?
Did you ever consider joining a gang?
Did you ever do something illegal?
Your opinion on demons?
Are you one of the demon mods?
Are ears underrated?
The dumbest typo that you ever made?
Which colour do you prefer to write in?
Uncategori s ed or uncategori z ed?
Would you rather visit the North pole or the south pole?
If you could pick one war that you could stop in a second, which one would it be and why?
Do you like monsters?
Why are plants green?
Did you ever insult someone?
Funniest insider joke you have?(you can also explain it if you want to)
Cherries or blueberries?
How many DMs do you have?
Funniest thing that someone ever sent to you in a DM?
Do you call it DM or PM?
Most overrated pen?
Your favourite shoes?
Capitalism or communism and why?
Do you like political questions?
Did you ever compliment a drawing that you don’t like so the person wouldn’t feel bad about themselves?
Your least favourite Disney movie?
Do you like chewing gum?
Do you care more about yourself or about others?
Did you ever laugh so hard that you had to cry? If yes, what did you laugh about?
What’s the dumbest stereotype in your opinion?
Do you care about the environment?
Are you a potato?
Do you like breathing air?
Do you like wearing socks?
Do you use dark or light mode?
Who would you like to become a leader?
Why are blueberries so delicious?
What’s your ideal date?
What’s the best job that you ever had?
How long did it take you to answer all these questions so far?
Do you believe in the spaghetti monster?
Would you rather live in space or underwater?
Do you think that you should change your username username? If yes, what should be your new name?
Is math underrated?
If you had to turn into an insect, which one would it be and why?
Do you like to talk to inanimate objects?
Did you ever steal some money?
Should I stop daring people to spam question threads with questions?
Are you listening to music right now?
How many knives do you own?
Favourite movie quote?
What did you eat for breakfast today?
How many photos of yourself do you have on your phone?
Waffles or pancakes?
Do you like mosquitoes?
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you know @/Secretz birthday?
When do you usually go to sleep?
When do you usually wake up?
How many hours do you work each week?
Is air overrated?
Your favourite chemical element?
What was the dumbest question you answered so far?
Your favourite bird?
Do you like carrots?
Do you have any weird eating habits?
Do you like messy rooms?
Your favourite sport?
Why didn’t you join the forums party?
Are you still alive?
Are dogs cute?
Do you like earrings?
Favourite drink?
Favourite shoes?
Green or red?
Did you mute this thread?
Favourite riddle?
Is there a book that you regret reading?
Do you believe in Santa?
Am I a baby?
If you could befriend 1 famous person, who would it be and why?
What’s your shoe size?
Weirdest shower thought?
Favourite forum game?
Least favourite forum game?
Should I revive some old forum games?
Do you like the moon?
Are you a human?
What’s your most recent drawing?
How many phone contacts do you have?
Would you rather bully someone else or get bullied by someone?
Do you like winter?
Why is life so complicated?
What’s your least favourite food?
What’s your favourite thread on the forums?
What are you most proud of?
Do you have a crush on a mod?
Your favourite outfit?
Biggest regret?
Who would you like to meet irl?
Favourite job so far?
Do you still read episode stories?
Favourite online game?
Favourite post on the forums?
Best childhood memory?
Do you like hamsters?
How would you like to die?
Will I take over the world?
Should I ask more questions?
Worst childhood memory?
Weirdest PM you ever received?
Do you think that you are a good person?
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Favourite ice cream flavour?
Biggest wish for the future?
Worst nightmare?
What do you think about forum families?
What’s your least favourite thread on the forums?
What thread deserves more attention than it gets?
Do you like drama?
Is it cold right now where you live?
What’s the weirdest book that you own?
What’s your favourite writing platform?
Do you have a favourite story prompt?
How many shirts do you own?
Dumbest question someone asked you?
Most embarrassing moment of your life?
Favourite song?
Do you believe in angels?
Am I annoying?
Favourite school subject?
Least favourite school subject?
Favourite teacher?
Favourite meme?
Favourite gif?
Best gift you’ve received?
Should I create more polls?
Do you like the colour green?
Did you ever write an embarrassing story on episode?
What language would you like to learn?
Who’s your worst enemy?
How many books do you own?
Your favourite pair of shoes?
How long does it take you to finish a drawing on average?
Would you rather be the strongest or the smartest person in the world?
Do you prefer mine or @/LHT’s polls?
Waffles or pancakes?
Are you ready for more questions?
When was the last time you cried and why did you cry?
Do you like drama?
Your least favourite song?
If you could revive one dead person, who would it be and why?
Would you rather have 1000 notifications or 0 notifications for a week?
What do you think about the beep test?
If you could stop only 1 war, which one would it be and why?
Should cats take over the world?
Who’s the most annoying person on the forums?
Worst date you’ve had?
Best date you’ve had?
Are you married?
What’s your favourite confession on the confession thread?
Favourite joke?
Did I ask that already?
Favourite emoji?
Least favourite emoji?
Halloween or Christmas?
Hands or feet?
Art or music?
What’s something that always makes you angry?
Hands or feet?
Art or music?
What’s something that always makes you angry?
Favourite flower?
Do you have a garden?
What’s the funniest song you know?
What was the last book you’ve read?
Do you like onions?
How many houseplants do you own?
Lol or lmao?
Would you rather travel to the future or to the past?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
Your favourite tea?
How long was your longest phone call?
Are you an emotional person?
Cows or horses?
What is something that drives you crazy?
Were you ever involved in a fight?
Best dare you’ve seen someone do?
What do you spend most of your money on?
The most disappointing gift that you gave to someone?
The most disappointing gift that you received?
Most useless knowledge?
Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
Do you believe in magic?
Is there any question that you were hoping for?
Will you answer the questions that I already posted again or will you just skip them?
Is there any animal that you are scared of?
What would happen if I tapped on the trash can symbol at the bottom of this thread?
Do you think that it was a good idea to promote me to a temporary leader?
What does “rebuild html” do?
Your favourite board game?
Your favourite word?
Your favourite pun?
What was your first word?
What would you like your last word to be?
What was your favourite question on this thread?
Was there a question that you didn’t want to answer?
Were the questions too easy so far?
Do you prefer to draw animals or humans?
Do you like to write down your thoughts?
What language do you think in?
Who’s your favourite forumer?
What’s your least favourite hairstyle?
Your favourite cuddly toy?
Dumbest thing you did as a child?
Are you clumsy?
What’s 1+1?
What’s your least favourite drawing?
What’s the best way to annoy @/ChaoticDeluge?
Do you care about the environment?
What’s the scariest thing that happened to you?
Favourite ghost story?
How often did you blink today?
Should we pay @/ShanniiWrites for being an eyemazing admin?
Should we pay the @/ForumStaff too then?
What’s worse: racism or homophobia?
How many pens do you have in your room?
Do you have a birthmark on your right shoulder?
Can you fly?
Am I a star?
Can you lick your toes?
Did you try it out to answer the question?
Why is the floor so hard?
Last word you’ve heard someone say?
Do you think that the poll of the week event will be a huge fail?
Can you smell or taste colours?
Why do most shades of green smell so amazing?
Why is there a clown with a knife behind you?
Did you turn around to check if I was lying?
Were you surprised because I was right?
Will you be at the area 51 party?
How do you peel bananas?
What’s the name of this thread?
Are you ready for more questions?
How would you describe yourself in one word?
your favourite…
•Forum user?
•Music genre?
•school subject?
•ghost story?
•halloween costume idea?
•controversial opinion?
•unpopular opinion?
•conspiracy theory?
•way to tie your shoes?
•part of your face?
•type of question?
•chemical element?
•dog breed?
•cat breed?
•topic on the forums?
•forum game?
•TV show?
Are lamps overrated?
Why is the sky yellow?
Do you like eyes?
Am I annoying?
Are goats annoying?
Who was the last person you called and why did you call them?
Should we follow you on social media?
Most embarrassing moment of your life?
Most embarrassing moment at school?
Best childhood memory?
Worst childhood memory?
Can you lick your elbow?
Your opinion on chicken nuggets?
Last song you listened to?
The story behind your username?
Are you easily annoyed?
What’s the easiest way to annoy you?
What was your first word?
What would you like your last word to be?
Are you religious?
Do you like your family?
Your personality type?
Do you believe in angels?
Did you consider joining the mafia game?
Weirdest Pm you ever received?
Funniest forum dare you’ve seen someone do?
Your zodiac sign?
Do you believe in zodiac signs?
Are you excited for the pub quiz?
How late is it where you live?
Have you shared your discord username on here?
Do you live under a rock?
Dumbest question someone ever asked you?
Weirdest dare you’ve seen someone do?
Is @/discobot still a stalker?
Your biggest insecurity?
Are you in a relationship?
Best life advice?
Worst life advice?
Best relationship advice?
Worst relationship advice?
Will you be at the next forum party?
What song could you listen to 10000 times without getting tired of it?
What do you think about forum families?
How fast can you read?
How fast can you type?
Is this post long?
Your least favourite…
•Music genre?
•school subject?
•ghost story?
•halloween costume idea?
•controversial opinion?
•unpopular opinion?
•conspiracy theory?
•way to tie your shoes?
•part of your face?
•type of question?
•chemical element?
•dog breed?
•cat breed?
•topic on the forums?
•forum game?
•TV show?
Did I just copy that from the first half of my questions?
Do you like polls?
A fun fact about yourself?
Your most useless talent?
Your most useful talent?
Do you like me?
Are we friends?
Do you like Lego?
Are chicken nuggets our friends?
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Should I have organised a Halloween event?
Do you like spiders?
Why is chocolate so delicious?
What food would you recommend everyone to try?
Funniest thing you’ve seen someone do in public?
Your forum crush?
What was your first reaction to seeing all those questions?
What do you always bring with you when you leave the house?
Do you use makeup?
Do you like tennis?
Do you like shoes?
Hands or feet?
Blubb ?
Why are clouds so fluffy?
Whose art style do you like the most on the forums?
Are you a cute little duck?
Do you like ducks?
Why or why not?
Is bread overrated?
Is there anything you would like to say?
Is there a question you are hoping for?
What languages would you like to learn someday?
What languages do you know already?
Do you like the new forum staff?
Last time you laughed?
Last time you cried?
Do you prefer dare or truth?
Who would you like to talk to more on the forums?
Are you wearing black socks?
Apple or Samsung?
Do you like sunglasses?
How long is your hair?
How tall are you?
Weirdest object in your room?
Most valuable object in your room?
Dream job?
Do you prefer your mom or your dad?
What would you like to be remembered for?
Is @/ChaoticDeluge scary?
Why or why not?
Am I scary?
Do you like baby shark?
Are sharks cute?
Are you cute?
Do you like knives?
Do you like these questions so far?
Day or night?
Why is light so bright?
Who created the universe and why did they do that?
Do you know @/Mysterious_Tea’s real name?
Bold or italic ?
Favourite social media page?
Is episode overrated?
Do you like RPs?
Your favourite RP?
Your idol?
Why is dark mode so beautiful?
Dark mode or light mode?
Do you sleep with or without lights on?
How many hours do you sleep each day?
How many hours are you at school/work each day?
Do you like school/work?
Your favourite teacher?
Your least favourite teacher?
Can you relate to this square ?
Are you colourblind?
Most annoying sound you know?
Do you like chewing gum?
Your favourite Youtuber?
Do you watch miraculous?
Do you like ladybugs?
Do you like bugs?
Will you apply for the staff position the next time?
Do you agree with blobfish?
Should you stop procrastinating?
Funniest post on the forums?
(If you’re on EF,) Is Nick just Jeremy on another PC?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What was your first impression of me?
Would you like to dye your hair some day?
Your ideal vacation?
Your dream date?
Your dream partner?
Celebrity crush?
Are you a queen?
Am I a queen?
Do you like questions?
Do you like quotes?
Do you like the letter Q?
What does FAQ stand for?
Am I enjoying this?
How many ducks did you see today?
Your darkest secret?
Weirdest fear?
Biggest fear?
How many friends do you have?
Who’s your bestie?
Do you have a favourite toe?
A favourite finger?
Deepest thought today?
Funniest thought today?
First thought today?
Do you remember your dreams?
Do you follow your dreams?
Are you a follower or a leader?
Heaven or hell?
Kannst du diese Frage verstehen?
Are you a human or a not human?
How long did it take you to reply to everything so far?
Am I annoying?
Whose pfp do you like the most?
Do you like @/discobot?
Should we talk more?
What’s your favourite post on the shanniiwrites forums?
Your favourite anonymous confession?
Are confessions overrated?
Who’s the most unexpected forum couple and why?
Are you in a forum relationship?
Did you ever cheat on your partner?
How do you normally react when you see my posts?
How late is it where you live?
Have you ever ignored your notifications to post more questions?
Does your keyboard suggest inappropriate words to you?
What was the last thing you bought?
Why are lamps so overrated?
Do you like your room?
Your favourite wall in your room?
Do you like walls?
How do you pronounce sandwich?
Worst song you know?
What are you doing right now?
How was your day?
Which forum event would you revive if you could?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Your biggest secret?
Favourite English word?
Is homework overrated?
Do you have any weird obsessions?
Is Bella a cliche name?
Do you like moustaches?
Whose face reveal are you looking forward to the most?
Can you predict the future?
What do you believe will happen after we die?
Is climate change real?
Do you like your bathroom?
Are you happy today?
Do you respect ants?
Are these questions weird?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?
Do you sing in the shower?
Your weirdest story idea?
Why is rain so calming?
What was the best thing that happened today?
How many anonymous confessions did you write?
Do you like your toes?
Do you do your homework?
Are you a manipulative person?
Are you easily manipulated?
What was the best order someone made in your bakery and why?
Why are the forum games so quiet lately?
Who should I annoy next?
Who would you like to be the next question star?
Do you forgive others easily?
Do you like your eyes?
Why are bees so amazing?
Are you amazing?
Is amazing a weird word?
What would your rapper name be?
Are baby’s overrated?
What’s the cutest nickname someone gave you?
What’s the worst nickname someone gave you?
The weirdest nickname?
Would you rather live in a fridge or in an oven?
Do you like soda?
What’s the capital of Germany?
What’s 12*14?
How would you like to decorate your room?
Your clothing style?
Are dolls creepy?
Should I revive the dare or truth thread?
“Dare or truth” or “truth or dare”?
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
What’s on your Christmas wish list?
Do you like ducks?
Is it too early for Christmas songs and decorations?
Why do humans have 2 eyes?
Why are dogs so cute?
Do you like tables?
Why are watermelons so delicious?
So you have a teddy bear?
Are pancakes better than waffles?
“Than” or “then”?
If you had to kill a person of your choice, who would it be and how would you kill them and why?
Your favourite book character?
Is German a good language?
Do my posts make you smile sometimes?
What are you most ashamed of?
Are snakes just dangerous noodles?
Is running just fast hopping?
Your favourite insider joke?
When was the last time you sneezed?
How long is your hair?
Weirdest teacher at your school?
Latin or french?
Do you wear earrings?
Your favourite accessories?
Cutest accent?
What would be a good way to improve myself?
Do you like kids?
Why are my dreams so weird?
What’s your weird prophecy for the future?
How would you like to die?
Best date?
Worst date?
Is 13 a good or a bad number?
What song is currently stuck in your head?
Why is paper so white?
Do you like your teeth?
Are teeth important to you?
How often do you brush your teeth?
Do you ever just feel green?
How many books did you read?
Is my English good? (Spoiler: no it’s not)
Should I start a German learning thread on the forums?
When will the world end?
What are you looking forward to in your life?
Food or other people?
Stripes? How often do you wash your hair?
Do you like hats?
Most useless thing you know?
What’s your best story?
Do you like paper?
Why are pillows so soft?
Are you happy now that you reached the end of this? How long did it take you in total? (Be honest!)