The 8th Interactive Story Event 📖 ✍

Welcome to my Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-03-28T17:00:00Z
Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:

What is it?

It’s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. I’ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

I’ll post a part of the story. Then there’ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, I’ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then I’ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes there’ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please don’t spam it. I’ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isn’t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that you’ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

I’ve prepared a few different endings and I don’t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Don’t worry, I’m working on new stories so it doesn’t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but it’s a first for me in most of the genres because I’ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, I’ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in it
sorryy but I’ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope it’s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
I’ll make some polls at the end to find out how much y’all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event
The 6th Interactive Story Event
The 7th Interactive Story Event




You’re 19, you’ve finished school and now it’s time to travel! You’re looking forward to visiting some amazing places in this world. You’ve saved some money in the last few years, so you should be able to go wherever you want. Right now, you’re packing your suitcase. Hopefully you don’t forget something. Well, you probably won’t since your mother checks your stuff over and over again. She’s probably more nervous than you are. Why wouldn’t she, it’s your first trip without your family. You’re nervous as well, but it’s the good kind of nervousness.
Your brother assures you that he’ll keep an eye on your mother. Since you father died, she’s very protective of both her kids and it’s probably difficult for her to know that you’re traveling without her protection.
You’re traveling to a big city in another country for the first time and you’re all alone. Well, not really, because there are definitely many other people there, but that fact doesn’t make you mother less concerned. She has asked you several times to take one of your friends with you, but you feel ready to go alone. Big city, many people? Challenge accepted!

You left the house a bit in a hurry, because you didn’t want to miss your flight and you knew if you had stayed another minute, your mother would have started crying. The flight was uneventful, your neighbor was sleeping during the whole flight. Now you’re getting your suitcase and try to find you way out of the airport. You booked a room in something that seemed like a hotel for young adults. They told you that someone will pick you up at the airport, but until now you only see a guy who’s probably around your age with a sign. Oh wait, that’s your name on the sign! You walk over to him and introduce yourself. The guy’s name is Oliver and he’s the owner of the hotel. As he sees your confused face he starts laughing. He’s probably not older than 20 and already owns a hotel? On the way to the car he starts explaining: “My family owns a few buildings in this town and they gave me this one to stay in while I try to get my life sorted out. After a few days I felt pretty lonely and offered the rooms that I didn’t need to others online. Most of the people that live there now pay me a rent and plan on staying there permanently. However, every once in a while, some tourists like you stay with us.”

A few minutes later you arrive at the building and Oliver offers to help you with your stuff. Just as he takes you suitcase, the front door gets opened and several people come out to welcome you. You’re totally overwhelmed. A girl tells you that your room is right next to hers so you try to focus on her. But the others ask you many questions and introduce themselves. “Guys, maybe we should let our guest come in first?” Oliver says and you give him a thankful look. Together, the whole group gets back inside and Oliver and the girl, who’s name is Tanya, show you around. What do you want to see first? The kitchen, because after the long journey you’re hungry, or your room, because you need to change after the long flight?

  • The kitchen
  • Your room

0 voters



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You check out the kitchen first. There, you meet one of the others who live here: Evan. He offers you one of the sandwiches he just made as a welcome gift. Of course, you accept his offer. Tanya and Evan show you around in the kitchen while explaining the house rules. “Are you good at cooking?” Evan asks and you nod. You love cooking almost as much as you love eating.

A few hours later, you’re done unpacking and want to go outside to see what you’ll do the following days. Tanya offers to go with you because it will get dark in an hour and you shouldn’t be walking around alone in an unfamiliar city. As you walk outside, your overwhelmed by all the impressions the city has to offer. But there’s one thing that catches your attention: a little puppy sitting on the other side of the street all alone. Tanya sees you staring at the puppy and tries to gain your attention: “Looking at it will just make you sad. There are a lot of dogs around here, most of them don’t belong to anyone and nobody cares about them.” “Isn’t there an animal shelter nearby?” “No, there’s no money for fancy stuff like that. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to those heartbreaking sights of poor little puppies.” With those words, Tanya walks away, but you take a second to have another look at the dog. It doesn’t feel right to just walk away now, but Tanya lives here so she probably knows what’s the right thing to do now.

On your way through the city, you stop at a supermarket to get some snacks. While searching for cookies, you walk past a shelf with dog food. Will you buy some?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




You choose to buy some dog food while Tanya just rolls her eyes. “You’re too empathic for this city.” You decide to ignore her opinion. On your way back, the puppy is still sitting in the same spot as before. You slowly walk closer to it and open the dog food. It doesn’t take long for other puppies to show up as they can all smell the food. Seeing them eat makes you smile. “Giving food to those in need? I already start to like you a lot more than some others living with us” Evan says as he walks over to you and the puppies. He kneels down to pet one of the puppies who is too focused on the food to be scared. “Tanya said this is normal here. But why doesn’t anybody do anything?” you ask. “Those who want to help don’t have enough money. And those who have enough money don’t see that help is needed.”
In the evening, you’re sitting on your bed in your room, thinking about what has happened today. Earlier you’ve talked a bit more with Evan and he told you that he’s engaged in an animal protection organization. They are trying to raise money for an animal shelter but it already took them over 5 years to find a few sponsors. Your thoughts get interrupted by a phone call from your sister. At the same time, someone knocks on your door. Will you pick up the phone?

  • Pick up the phone
  • Open the door

0 voters



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You pick up the phone and greet your sister. Whoever was outside your room knocking must have realized that you’re busy because the knocking stopped. You tell your sister about your first impressions in this city and of course you don’t leave out the poor puppies. Your sister knows that once you’ve set a goal, you’ll do anything to achieve it and right now your goal is to help those dogs on the streets. “I might be able to help. I know some people who know other people who know people that are really rich. If you get them to listen to you, you’d have your sponsors.” Your sister promises to talk to those people she knows and you start feeling the excitement of changing something for the better.

One week later, you’re standing at the entrance of a big office block. You’ve prepared a presentation for the founder of this company. Evan offered to come with you, but you told him that you don’t need him here. You didn’t like the thought of him seeing you so nervous. You just met him a week ago and you’d prefer to have your family or friends with you right now. However, as you enter the building, you rethink you decision to turn his offer down. You’re all alone in a house full of strangers in suits. You forgot to ask your sister what this company is about, but everyone looks very important. You search your way to the fifth floor and from there to the office of Mr. Humer. You’re five minutes early and a secretary tells you to wait in front of Mr. Humer’s office. Every passing minute makes you more nervous. Then you hear a familiar voice calling your name. Evan runs over to you, holding a puppy in his arms. “I thought you might need some help in there. Since you turned my help down, maybe you’ll let this little guy help you?” You smile, knowing that nobody can say no to this little dog.

After the meeting with Mr. Humer, who offered to help with a great amount of money, everything happened really fast. Evan informed the animal protection organization he’s working for and they helped you finding the perfect building to start the first animal shelter in this city. Considering that you’ve expected this trip to be a relaxing holiday, you’re now pretty busy with all the paper work. Evan was a great help the whole time. On the contrary, Tanya was constantly trying to make you reconsider your choices. Right now, she’s sitting in your room while you’re trying to buy some dog food online. “Don’t you have to leave soon? What will happen with everything once you’ve left? Do you really think an animal shelter can be successful here? Nobody cares!” She’s annoying, but she’s also right. You’re still on vacation and you’ll soon be out of money so you can’t pay for the room anymore. And your family is waiting for you back home. However, you’ve started an amazing project here. This could change your whole life or at least the life of some animals! But it’s your life, your story. What will you do?

  • Stay and run the animal shelter
  • Leave and let others run the animal shelter

0 voters




invite the family to run it as well

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You decide that you’ll stay here and finish what you’ve started. However, you’ll need some help. You get Evan to ask his friends if they need a job and some of them are willing to work for free for some time. Additionally, you make some flyers to get some people who want to walk a dog but don’t have one. Luckily, money isn’t a problem because you’ve got Mr. Humer who’s willing to give more money if you put some ads on your flyers. The animal protection organization helps you with anything related to laws and regulations. On the whole, you’re doing pretty good! Your family’s proud of you. You’ve just finished school and now you’re the owner of an animal shelter! Well, not the only owner, because the animal protection organization owns part of it, but who cares? However, you need to think about the future. You’ll need a vet who lives closer than the one you take the dogs to now. But first, you’re moving into your own apartment which is closer to the shelter. By the way, did you keep one of the puppies?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




Can I name the puppy :pleading_face:


Maybe :joy: Let’s see if we even kept one or not


Anyone who votes no will be promptly banned from life

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Maybe someone just doesn’t like puppies :woman_shrugging::joy:

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They deserve to be banned from life

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Alright, you can suggest a name and I’ll let people vote! :joy:

So whoever thinks that the MC kept a puppy can suggest a name and then we’ll vote!




We shall name the puppy Cotton Eye Joe, because I have no idea where did he come from or where did he go

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Let’s name it Duck :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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I laughed too much at this :joy:

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Of course, you kept the puppy that helped you convince Mr. Humer! But what’s its name?

  • Cotton Eye Joe
  • Duck
  • Milo

0 voters




I think it would be Duck in the end

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I had no idea what this song was about :flushed:


You’re ready to move, your stuff is already in your new apartment and you just have one more suitcase to fill. Your puppy, Cotton Eye Joe, is sitting in it right now. You try to get him to move so you can put your last few clothes in there. Someone knocks on your door and Cotton Eye Joe answers with a cute bark. Evan enters your room and Cotton Eye Joe jumps out of your suitcase to greet him. “Are you taking him with you?” “Yes, of course!” “Too bad, I thought I could adopt him.” Evan laughs and you smile at him. He plays with Cotton Eye Joe until you’re finished packing and offers to walk you to your new apartment. On the way, you’re rather quiet as you’re focused on some concerns that you have. Evan notices after he tried to start a conversation several times. “What’s on your mind?” he asks. “The shelter. I need to find a vet soon or we won’t be able help the pregnant dogs. Additionally, people don’t want to walk or adopt dogs that aren’t examined by a vet.” Evan seems to be thinking for a moment, then he smiles and even starts laughing. You feel uncomfortable and don’t say anything until you’ve reached your apartment. There you pick up Cotton Eye Joe and turn to Evan to say goodbye, but he’s still smiling weirdly. “What’s up with you?” you ask a bit confused. “You’re looking for a vet? Well, you can stop looking now. I’m right in front of you.” Your brain needs a few more seconds to understand. “You’re a vet?! I mean
 with a real college degree?” Even starts laughing again and you hit him playfully. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would have come to you right away!” This guy has been a great help during all of this and now he’s the solution to your biggest concerns. With him on your team, the animal shelter can get bigger and better! You start smiling, feeling relieved. Cotton Eye Joe seems to be excited as well so you put him down but Evan picks him up again. Cotton Eye Joe licks Evan’s cheek which makes you laugh. “You don’t happen to be looking for a roommate and a dog sitter as well? If yes, you can stop looking now. I’m right in front of you.”


