I did, I just didn’t know how to spell it out
I speak a slavic language so I understand all of them
At this point I speak it better than my native one
But the people who voted rn are american
I did, I just didn’t know how to spell it out
I speak a slavic language so I understand all of them
At this point I speak it better than my native one
But the people who voted rn are american
India doesn’t really surprise me tbh because aren’t they one of the most populated countries
I don’t even know others here…
Except from family
What’s your first language, if I may ask?
Don’t have to answer if you don’t wanna.
Macedonian though I doubt anyone’s heard of it
ooh cool, you’re the first person I’ve met from there!
I haven’t found anyone from my country online either neighboring countries yes though
Yeah I think I haven’t met any other Croatians either
how are things in your country since you’re next to Ukraine?
Ayy balkan
Actually I don’t think I’ve met croatians online either?
Are you thinking of Moldova? Because I’m kinda far from Ukraine (luckily)
It’s a small country and most of the population is old
Samee, but somehow I’ve met a bosnian, serb and albanian which should also have small countries
I mean I have met Croatians online and stuff, It’s rare, but I mean on the forums I’ve never met a Croat
I have! That’s so cool
Sorry speed reading with dyslexia is a dumb idea, you’d think I have learned that lesson a while ago but here we are
Ohh I meant online in general
Ooh really?
No worriesss
@Meekepeek oh wait, it’s the last day in your retreat today, isn’t it? Was it as refreshing as you hoped? Was it as rejuvenating as you needed it to be? Or both, let’s hope it’s both.
I got home yesterday and it was a nice break, just too short haha.
I had school today, work the next three days