The Best Murder Mystery Movie Scores in Hollywood!

So, I couldn’t find a good list of murder mystery movies’ best soundtracks. I will be making my own list of movies that I think had really good musical scores. I’m not going to go deep into how good the music is. It’s best to listen to the scores to see how you feel about them plus I suck at discussing music.

  1. Angela Lansbury’s “Murder, She wrote” has an amazing score that many people love to listen to. It has this wholesome every day like sound to it but in a go lucky kind of way even though it’s in a murder mystery tv show.

  1. Harrison Ford’s “The Fugitive” pulls you in with it’s more somber tunes though it still keeps you on edge since it follows a doctor trying to prove he didn’t kill his wife.
  1. Sherlock Holmes/Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows, come on you knew these two would be on the list of course. Any score from the many forms of Sherlock movies/tv-shows has always been iconic though my favorite is Robert Downy Jr.'s and Jude Law’s movies. The Third movie is supposed to be out in the next couple of years. This score starts off the light then picks up the paste in a jovial beat which has you on the edge of your seat as it prepares you for the mystery through the movie.

  1. Clue the Movie, is an iconic movie based on the said board game of the title. The music is suspenseful just like the Sherlock Holmes scores.
  1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011 version is a fast beat song that setups up the movie pretty well. I was trying to find the 2009 movie score but couldn’t find it. Then again this could be the 2009 soundtrack. I can’t tell from the description attached to the video.
  1. Who framed Roger Rabbit? I had to include this one! It’s just too good not to include it in the list.

  1. Pink Panther movies - Iconic comedy murder mystery movies that no one can forget.

A list of good Murder Mystery movies!

What are your favorite Murder Mystery scores from Hollywood?



OMG! YES, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and the Pink Panther’s ones were phenomenal.

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omg i love Pink Panther


Have you seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


No, omg is it nice? Lemme go check it out


YES. It’s amazing.


Such a good movie!


I know right!


Lol yes! I love those movies even though the Pink Panther movies are painful to watch. I still love Who Framed Roger Rabbit!

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I was soo sad when Bob Hoskins died. (sob)

You need to watch it!

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