The Best RP/SG Character Deaths

In some RPs or SGs, there comes a time when a character is killed. At times it is necessary for furthering the plot for other characters, or sometimes it may be from decisions made. At times we can guess what may happen, but other times we are caught completely off guard.

So, this is the place to share the character Deaths in any RP or SG that has been the best, the saddest, the most unexpected, or even the most predictable.



I don’t remember who it was but I killed @OhSumana 's character by having a tree fall on top of her.

(everyone else died due to war and the rp was going to end so I had to kill one more person)


Linnet Devious :triumph:


And we don’t talk about Juan’s death here
Chad just got shot
Caitlyn got humiliated even after she was killed.
Zarela’s death was just painful and sad…(I should give an update on Vivian soon :thinking:)


Zarela’s death was… Painful.
Juan and Chad deserved it :relieved:


So did Caitlyn

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When I was younger I made my character die by her being pushed in acid

Heres my old cringey art
Her head fell off

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I should remake that :relaxed:

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I wanna question why you felt the need to turn that into art, but then I just realize, why not?


Because I always drew my ocs :relaxed: not so much anymore :joy:

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Hahaha fair enough


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Hmmmm…Jessica’s “death” in Blue Royalty was really well done.

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Anyone else?

Best for me would be Felix and Derek from Adventure Story.


Awww, my baby was mentioned! I lowkey shipped Derek with Felix, yes

Well, as awesome as it was, I hope it won’t happen again


YES! HAHAHA! Me too, even though Felix was quite the player.

Well… four have died so far…

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We should write a fanfic about them then

Oh, I meant in the Felix and Milo RP. I hope he won’t die again, haha

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HAHAHA! We so should.

Ooooh… fair. That’s true.

Have not really witnessed someone’s character die but that would be sad-

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