Who likes horror movies? Especially the The Conjuring series plus Annabelle movie and The Nun. I usually can only watch these with someone with me. I love them though. I will admit The Conjuring 2 with the real demon as gets me every single time. Even though it’s prequel doesn’t scare me at all except for the music creeps me out. I think it has to do with the fact it’s in an Abbey and not a house as to why I don’t freak out about that movie.
Talk about the conjuring movies, other horror movies that are similar in context or about how it affected you when watched it.
I love horror movies! The conjuring series is good – I’ve watched all of it I believe as well as Annabelle (I fell asleep during The Nun though). The only problem I have with the conjuring series is that I barely remember the films, not because they were bad films but because I have a terrible memory and I mean terrible. But I do know that I enjoy(ed) watching The Conjuring.
Although I will admit my taste in horror films are pretty crappy. I enjoy things that are terrible but their interesting because their terrible (aka the babysitter, a terrible film. But I’ve seen it twice because I was bored) as well as actually good stuff (The Conjuring, duh)
I believe that the very first horror-y movies I ever saw were the Paranormal Activity ones because my mother and I would watch it together, that or it was the Saw series.
I also remember watching Chucky (the first one) when I was super young and was terrified but hen I re-watched it a few years after and adored it. So now I have a slight Chucky addiction, I mean I enjoy the movies, Im irritated with the route their making (or have made, Im not sure if it’s out) the new one.
I may have gotten a bit off-topic from The Conjuring there, my bad. I end up typing a semi-lot sometimes.
Wait that’s a TV show, I only knew of a board game with that title.
Yeah, I love the series. I like paranormal activity as well just because it makes me laugh. I don’t know why but I’m not scared of the series at all. Doesn’t mean I don’t jump at the scare jumps that happen in the movies though. I never watched the Babysitter movie. I hate Chucky. It creeps me out even though I recently wanted to watch it for some reason.
@ShanniiWrites I loved Haunting in Hill House tv series! That’s my new favorite psychological horror series to date. @Artey you need to watch that series it’s great plus on netflix for streaming!
Haha yeah, I can’t watch some movies from the old horror section anymore. So I know how you feel. I usually watch them with a friend who is just as into them as I am.
Haha that is funny. My dad is completely terrified of horror films but he watches them with me and my friend Kasy when she comes over because he doesn’t want to leave the room.
Betrayal at House on the Hill? @ChaoticDeluge and I have it we play it all the time! But the TV show is really different. It’s an amazing Netflix original
The conjuring is my favourite horror film personally! I prefer games when it comes to horror but films can be just as great. And the conjuring is right up there.
I really didn’t like Anabelle though, and I haven’t seen the nun