(The Day After) The National Day of Peace!

The International Day of Peace was made to celebrate the building of a peaceful and sustainable world together, no matter the adversities. Although that is definitely far from the truth in the horrors we face today, the day reminds us to keep striving for a day that our world can reach a state of tranquility. Perhaps then, it will be seen as the norm rather than hopeless optimism. Though I’m late, I hope everyone had a happy Day of Peace! :wink:


Should this not be everyday though :clown_face::no_mouth:


I don’t think they should’ve created only one day for it. I mean, we need peace every single day. I mean if they call this peace then there’s something wrong with my dictionary cause it doesn’t seem correct to me :clown_face:

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It should be. It’s just a day symbolizing it. Just like you should appreciate the people you care about every day and not just Valentine’s Day. :eyes:

But yeah, some peace would be appreciated, but it’s definitely not anytime soon.

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