Hey y’all! I’m back with another game!
All you have to do is post something, and then the person who posts next will reply to you in a different language! (Languages CAN be repeated!)
Here’s an example if you’re not sure how to play ~
Person 1: Hello!
Person 2: Hola, cómo estás?
Person 3: Ca va comme ci, comme ca!
You can use Google Translate, obviously. XD
So let’s start!
Ich bin so froh dass ich nie wieder zur Schule muss
jeg saver min skole. altså den sidste jeg gik på. den for den var tortur
J’aimerais comprendre cela.
Ce n’est pas important!
Bonjour!/bonne après-midi!/Bonsoir!
Comment allez-vous?
Je ne comprends pas cela.
I tried to read this as if it was German…it didn’t sound good
Why are most replies in french?
Sí mucho gente habla frances.
Pero yo etudí español en la escuela.
Tu hablas español tambien?
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Toivon, että osaisin enemmän kieliä.
tiedätkö mitä kieli tämä on?
Oui ! Mais je ne parle pas le finnois, juste des mots.
Est-ce que tu parles des autres langues ?
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Posso solo parlare inglese fluentemente. Anche se posso parlare un po 'di francese e alcune parole singalesi
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Saya juga tidak fasih dalam bahasa-bahasa lain tetapi beberapa perkataan di sana sini.
Apa yang anda fikir adalah bahasa yang paling indah?
Correction: it’s “פינית”.
(אני דוברת עברית כשפת אם, אז אני יודעת (בנוסף לאמהרית
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