This is the new tag if you want to know when there’s a VC (voice call) going on in Discord. Anyone can join, we welcome all, you just have to have joined the Discord server.
You don’t even have to talk if you don’t want to. It’s totally fine to just stay on mute and type anything you wanna say. Even on mute, you can still join in on the group games we like to play.
We can even use this chat to talk while you’re in a VC if you want, that way we’re still giving the forums plenty of activity. (wink)
So if you want to have a chat then please join the tag and wait to see when the next VC is!
Nope, it’s the afternoon. Since they use military time you just start counting up for the rest of the day after 12pm. For me, it will be 2:30pm central time zone.