Maybe @anon82166736 could provide some party snacks since she owns a fast food restaurant on the forums?
Or maybe @Chocolate_Mama because she has a bakery here?
Was the advertising good enough?
- Oui!
- Mate…how many forum party links are there?
- Eh.
0 voters
I’ll bring out the fast food restauranttttttt and maybe @Chocolate_Mama can bring out her bakeryyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
They can both do so if they wish!
@anon82166736, @Chocolate_Mama, would you like to provide food?
Unless I don’t eat them all.
Sounds fun!
Formally inviting @fcukforcookies @Cheyara_M @Talu @Khrema @AlexandraD @Wenna.Mac @tolstoyanov
But Talu should write more Stray Heart and stop peeing in pools.
Bad Kim forgot @TessS xD
I might join
I could do the writing part. Not the making prompts part!
Thanks for the tag! Def joining!
That would be great!
YOu have no clue who i am
Ahhh @TessS I’m sorry!!! I blame my hangover and me just thinking about ppl I’ve talked to recently since you’ve taken a lil hiatus from IG.
I’ll keep my training wheels on
I am sorry but like, I really don’t have a clue. I have this super bad memory so I have no idea who you’re supposed to be. Who are you?
I also hope my nemeziz @ChaoticDeluge joinz
I am one of your better victims from episode forums…
You picked me recently and you and @sophia1never added me to the chat
OMG! We couldn’t. There’s limits to the number of people we add there and the chats were already full. But good news, there’s no limit here so welcomeeeeeeeeee!