The Game of Life - Mobile App Forum Game

As stated in the title, this thread will be a recorded gameplay of the app. You the game with a group of people where I will have you pick your choices when your turn comes around. This is going to be a similar format to my Otome Reviews which is I post polls for whose turn for you to pick from in the game. I feel like I said that in three different ways. If you want to join then vote on the poll below. It is up to 3 players allowed on the game at a time. Now, if you wish to team up with people that is totally doable. This is going to be a fun way to play.

Would you like to join for future games?

  • Yes! I want to do this!
  • I’ll watch the first game then decide.
  • No, but it is interesting.

0 voters



Poll Time

What version do you want to play?

  • Full Mode
  • Fast Mode

0 voters

Do not worry about picking a board that has the price shown on it. I will be willing to pay for any board that is chosen. It’s only 3.99 which is a trivial amount for me.

Board Choices

Which board would you like to play on?

  • Classic
  • Summer Beach Party
  • Enchanted Valley
  • Spring Blossom
  • Ranch Life
  • Pirate Cove
  • Wild Safari
  • Winter Wonderland
  • Birthday Party
  • Halloween
  • Bright Lights, Big City

0 voters

I will only use these tags when it comes to picking the board game plus when choosing the two types of ways to play. Those who vote will be tagged during the gaming videos.



@Galactic_Kat vote if you want to join.


Poll Time

Now, we are down to the players icon, peg gender, vehicles and player color. There is only 3 spots for other players.

Who wants to be in the first game?

  • Yes, I want to participate for the first game.
  • No, I’ll watch for now.

0 voters

Do you want to pair up?

  • Yeah, that will be fun!
  • No, I want to play solo as a player.

0 voters

What vehicle do you want? (I will buy more after the first game.)

  • Witches’ broom
  • Motorbike

0 voters

What profile would you like to go with? (We can have multiple of the same profiles.)

  • Witch
  • Vampire
  • Mummy
  • Mud Monster?

0 voters

What color would you like to go with?

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Purple

0 voters

What gender peg do you want? (No Non-binary pegs sadly)

  • Male
  • Female

0 voters

Let me know if I missed anyone? This is everyone that said they wanted to play the first game.

@Secretz @TheDancingFryer @CrazyCaliope @katabasis @Camila @Littlefeets @elixr


@Littlefeets and @Camila I need you two to vote today. Otherwise you automatically forfeit the first game.


@Secretz do you want to stay as a solo player? We have 8 people in total for the game. One group will have three players in it.

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@Secretz I need an answer. Please respond back.

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Alright, so I made a character for all four players. You will be choosing which of the four-player characters to play. Multiple people can vote on who they want to be with. I have separated as two characters with the witch’s broom and two players with the motorbike/scooter vehicle. Also, you have two choices between the four characters to decide whether you want to play as a female or male in the game. This is a great way to start off the month of Halloween with a spooky-themed board!

Which player do you want to play as?

  • The Witch (Blue) (Female)
  • The Mud Monster (Red) (Male)
  • The Vampire (Purple) (Female)
  • The Mummy (Orange) (Male)

0 voters

First Player up is The Vampire:!Ajh0GPty0V5ggro_NM1tF6RU9qNsiw?e=I6a1lV

What route do you want to take?

  • Career Route
  • College Route

0 voters


@Secretz @TheDancingFryer @CrazyCaliope @Camila
@elixr @Littlefeets @passionfruit


@TheDancingFryer you voted for Vampire which means you need to vote on the second poll. Just wanted to let you know.


Poll Time!Ajh0GPty0V5ggrsczvBITfKjdTbaBg

Which route should the Mummy go with?

  • College Route
  • Career Route

0 voters


@Secretz @TheDancingFryer @CrazyCaliope @Camila @elixr @Littlefeets @passionfruit


I need you four to please vote.

@TheDancingFryer @Camila @elixr @Littlefeets


Poll Time!Ajh0GPty0V5ggrsja0EP4fkb5AEDZg

Which two cards should the Mummy pick? (Left to Right)

  • Card 1
  • Card 2
  • Card 3
  • Card 4

0 voters


@Secretz @TheDancingFryer @CrazyCaliope @Camila @elixr @Littlefeets @passionfruit

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Who is who, by the way? Do we not all have a role each?

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Technically, Secrets is the mummy. No one else voted on the mummy but I thought I would tag everyone this time for that chance. I will be going by the rolls with the next poll. It will be the same method for you too since you only one who voted on the Mud Monster. What do you think?

Okay, so I notice that the career options sometimes change when you come back to a players turn. I have found a way to deal with it though.!Ajh0GPty0V5ggrw15icY_8tGYAjIEg!Ajh0GPty0V5ggrw3ozOxroUXXg5OEQ!Ajh0GPty0V5ggrw2AboMxJSFVWax9A

Which type of career do you want?

  • High paying Career
  • Low Paying Career

0 voters

Which career options?

  • Candymaker
  • Trick or Treater
  • Pirate
  • Athlete
  • Chauffeur

0 voters


@Secretz @TheDancingFryer @CrazyCaliope @Camila @elixr @Littlefeets @passionfruit


@Secretz vote on the second poll, please? Your vote is needed.

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Poll Time

Orange - The Mummy - Turn!Ajh0GPty0V5ggrxEUbFhH4H_cYycwg

If it gives me Candymaker I will go with it. I’ve already ran through the turn twice to see if I get the same cake card which I did.

Which player do you choose to for the cake card

  • Player 1
  • Player 2
  • Player 3

0 voters


@Secretz @TheDancingFryer @CrazyCaliope @Camila @elixr @Littlefeets @passionfruit


I will add the video in a little bit. It’s not done uploading.

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Closing this thread because I ran into some obstacles with the polls.