The honeymoon phase

The honeymoon phase is the first part of a new relationship where you feel on top of the world. I am so far in this phase right now. We’ve been dating for three days, and we talked two hours ago. I’m lonely. Yes, I’m ranting.


I’d really be careful because nice guy or not, it’s only been three days


Right. I am. I guess I’m just a little starved for affection right now. I know to be careful.


I love the honeymoon phase. I was in it for the longest time and sometimes when it wears off it starts all over again and I’m reminded why I fell in love with the person I am with.
I was also taught that just because the honeymoon phase disappears doesn’t mean you should feel that you aren’t loved and that you are a burden. If you feel like this there are some red flags so I always watch out for that too.

I get this so much omg. I’m a very touchy person and my love language is touch.

What about you @Discussions ?

  • Have you ever experienced the honeymoon phase?
  • If you have when it went it away did you miss it?
  • Does the honeymoon phase ever come back for you?


Kinda? I was more enthusiastic about things

Err idk?


Yes, interestingly enough.

Well to be honest, I’m far enough into my own maturity and growth that it’s been a long time where it’s stopped. Honestly, I feel still on top of the world but in a healthy way where I still manage to love my significant other very much as much as I love myself. I fit room in my heart for both them and I and we are still managing our own lives peacefully and good enough with each other’s help from time to time.

I don’t think the honeymoon phase is inherently harmful. If anything, based on the given definition on this thread, I think you guys are talking about having an infatuation with someone, not a true relationship.

I think everyone should be sort of in that honeymoon phase with their partners for as long as you are together, so not even a phase. They should always be looking to be better and happier together. You obviously don’t always have to feel the best in a relationship, don’t take me for saying otherwise, but I think it’s best to be in a relationship for good purpose to help each other grow and feel loved. That practice shouldn’t ever stop.

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