Good Morning, Day, or Evening!
How are we all today, sheilas, blokes, and sproglets? I hope you are all swell!
Our time on the Episode RP/SG section passed us by rather quickly and we are here to appreciate and award our fellow RPers and their hard work there. Hopefully, we will see their hard work appreciated here too. So I will be beginning to give out the awards very shortly. The people in this community (and the ones who have sadly left), I consider my friends and family. You guys are ALL amazing, thank you, you beauties!
EVERYBODY who has taken part in the community, from one time to another, or more regularly, deserves to be here, whether they were nominated or not. You’ve all contributed and should be proud of any impact you’ve made because I promise you’ve made one even if quite small.
I’m truly still honoured to be able to host and bring you RP/SG Awards for the past half a year of writing. Now it is time to see the results.
Okay, so onto the awards…
Just like the last time, they’re going to be a little longer and more drawn out than me just giving you the results, which is just to add a little more entertainment. So I will be announcing the categories individually in the order that they are on the form you all filled in. I’ll try for at least one a day, as I’ll be writing thoughts and comments for each nomination. Then I’ll leave about half an hour for anyone to comment on them, before announcing the winner. I may also announce the runners up if there are 4+ nominees and/or they were close in votes.
Extra: If you want, to add a little more entertainment, anyone can suggest a celebrity, adjective, or emotion for me to do something with. I am continuing a rather random idea I had, which a few of you may remember. BUT just write a celebrity, adjective, or emotion at the bottom of your post in a blur, without any explanation. However, they will go to the bottom of the list, as I still have to complete the list from last time! (wink)
The list of first presenters for the awards:
These are suggested from the previous ceremony that I didn’t get to.
- Michael Jackson
@Cricket_Master - sadly, a little too difficult to portray now half my research on them has been deleted.
- @LTea
- @sunflower.flow
- Danny Devito
- Samual L Jackson
- Jimmy Carr
- Simon Pegg
- Kevin Hart
- Hades from the * Hercules* Disney movie
- Billie Eilish
So, anyone can comment at any time, but all I ask is that you stick to talking about the awards and please don’t go into off-topic conversations.
There will be NO more group tags, so please set this thread to watching if you want to know the winners. (wink)