The music duo $uicideboy$

Who listens to $uicideboy$?

Who doesn’t listen because they don’t like them?

If you like them or listen to them, what’s your favorite song, album of theirs?

How did you find them?

If you wanna check them out, you can find them here:


As well as Spotify and Apple Music.



…are they rappers?

Added some tags and moved to music :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

I’ve never heard of them before tbh :eyes::eyes:

Lol yeah.

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They’re kinda edgy if you will. :face_vomiting:

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I don’t mind edgy as long as it sounds good :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:
I’ll try to listen to them when I’m back home if I don’t forget :eyes::eyes:

Lol, they’re rappers btw. Idk if that affects your will to check them out.

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I usually dislike rappers, but I’m still curious so I’ll at least try to listen to it :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

I recommend you listen to these songs if you tend to dislike constant rap music:

And to those I love, thanks for sticking around

Kill yourself (Part lV)

Aliens are Ghosts
Sour grapes
That just isn’t empirically possible
Leave me alone

But if you want to hear their more :woozy_face: rap song here are some to check out:
Scope set
What the f!ck is happening?
All dogs go to heaven

I don’t believe you’ll actually like them if I think about it, but since you’re interested here is a spill of only half of their music. Lol.



Me :grinning:

All :angry:

S/o told me ab themmmm

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Your SO did good. :+1:


They did :relieved:

Who listens to $uicideboy$?

Idk them

Who doesn’t listen because they don’t like them?

idk them to decide.

If you like them or listen to them, what’s your favorite song, album of theirs?


How did you find them?
from you
If you wanna check them out, you can find them here:


Um. Okay.

Uhh me- yea

Probably f*ckthepopulation, for the last time, Antarctica, and kill yourself part IV. Ummm as for albumssss I’m not sure- their newest one is good and the one with pouya on it is good too.

Ummmm a few years back I had heard their song somewhere and added it to my playlist- pretty sure it was f*ckthepopulation :relieved:

Who dat @Rxttenx :pleading_face:


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Who are the $uicideboy$

Ohh they’re rappers

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