The Nefarious Thread 😈

The Nefarious Thread

The game will be basically a “who’s better” game. The mechanics are simple. You post something (either fictional or not) that you think is very evil and the next player will try to “out-evil” you.


P1: I stuck bubblegum under my classmate’s bag.
P2: I tied my sister’s shoelaces together when we were shopping, and she tripped in the middle of the mall. I only laughed at her.
P3: I burned down the whole mansion my friend built in minecraft.

So that’s it! Let’s start, shall we?

I cut off the mannequin’s arms :smiling_imp:

  • I lost a bet but didn’t pay up

I cut down a tree and it fell on my friend’s dog

You brought your dog?!
I cut the power lines.

I flooded a city :eyes::eyes:

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I burned my books

I mass murdered

I stole everyone’s cats

I revived Atilla the Hun.

I decided to create a new authoritarian system of government and took over the world

I forced everyone to eat pizza with coffee and curd!

I stole literally everyone’s pizzas and no one will ever enjoy it again

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I stole the pizzas you stole and ate them.

Closed due to inactivity :eyes::green_heart: