The new Playstation console; PS5

As some of you guys might be aware, Playstation released their new console November 12 in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Mexico and South Korea 2020. (I believe.)

So if you aren’t very familiar and are insterested in being so, here is a link that gives you specs and guides the the PS5.

It’s cross-generation, meaning it can play games on disc that were made for the older generations, and it’s look it pretty nice if I must say.

  • Have any of you guys bought it?
  • If not, are you looking to buy a PS5?
  • If you do have it, do you like it? What are some of your favorite and least favorite things about the PS5?


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  • ave any of you guys bought it? no :sob:
  • If not, are you looking to buy a PS5? yes

I want one but they are all sold out. and I am not gonna pay that over price re-sellers sell it for. f those people.

Honestly I’d wait until some bugs are fixed and a better version of it comes out.

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My bf wants to buy one but they are all sold out so he’s just waiting ahaha

The ps5 seems pretty cool but I don’t really have any reason to buy a new console when my ps4 is good enough :sob:


I would love one but at the same time I’d love a PS4 :joy:

They don’t seem to be available anywhere anyway :joy:

Exactlyyy. :weary: neither are PS4 controllers but ps5 controllers are?? And the console ain’t even available. :neutral_face:

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