🎀 ~ The Pusheen Cult

I’m surprised no one made a cult about Pusheen, the legendary cat

Pusheen is so sad, sheesh… :pensive:

Anyways, hello! In this thread, you can post, chat, rant, fangirl/boy etc all about PUSHEEN DA CAT (actually this changed to a cult btw so :joy:)!

It’s fine if you don’t like Pusheen, you can always ignore this thread and move one :crying_cat_face:



Me and my sibling be like this –

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Omgggg I used to love these
It’s been a while :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Yup. I’m gonna bring back the Pusheen culture :smiling_imp:

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Support :triumph::sparkles::ok_hand:t5:

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Idk what this is but…


It’s littt :cowboy_hat_face:


Lmaoooo omg :sweat_smile: I thought that was its feet

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At least you thought they were feet. My dumba** thought they were her hands :woman_facepalming:

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All in one for me
Feet, hands and nipps :smirk::joy:

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Yup, that would be me as a ghost :ghost:

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I am still figuring out how someone can… type using their… UPPER PRIVATES :scream:

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screaming YES

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I swear…it’s so funny if you ask me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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choking I-I thought that was her feet!

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I remember in middle school I would add pusheen to all of my instagram stories :joy:


My grandma found Pusheen stickers on her phone.

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I have a pusheen bag



I downloaded Pusheen stickers, but I’m unable to show them here for some reason.

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They weren’t going through for me but they so cute :pleading_face:

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I think because it’s only for iMessages. Oh well. My friends and family will like it.