The RP Quotes Game

@CrazyCaliope I know you said on the anonymous thread I should PM you to help iron out the thread but time zone difference and also you’re really intimidating ;-;

Hello girls, gals, and nonbinary pals, and welcome to…

The RP Quotes Game!

(game show music)

This thread is basically a combination of the Funny replies thread quote replies you found funny! and Roleplay Character Polls (weekly) threads, where every week a different category is chosen (i.e. Best Speech, Best Pick-up Line, etc.) and then you guys, the wonderful audience (or would you be contestanrs? I really didn’t think this through) pick your favorite quotes from any RP that match the current weeks category. At the end of the week, you guys get to vote which was your favorite quote! Throughout the week, you can also suggest what category you want next week’s to be, and a poll will be made alongside the quote’s one.

This week’s theme:
Best Pun!

What was the best play on words, the punniest goof, the cringiest dad joke? Quote your nominations, and the poll will be up next Monday!




Ah yes, Freeze your enemies. Korbyn a.k.a @Ouijaloveletters :wink:

Closed due to inactivity (pout)