The secrets of Weython Island - Sign up

Genre: Mystery, Action, slightly puzzle-ish.

Weython Island is a well-known place for wealthy and important people to visit. it is a small island in the Atlantic Ocean where the weather always seems to be nice and it rarely rains.
There is 1 hotel on the island, and getting a room is very difficult.

Yet you succeeded and you arrive with a private jet on the island. you expect a full hotel, but it turns out to be completely deserted. there is no staff, no guests, no one except you. There are signs that guests and staff were present, but there is no sign of life now. What makes matters worse is that you cannot reach anyone outside the island and the plane you came with is set on fire.

The island has a legend about the wealthy Marcus Weython who first bought the island for himself. after his death, his family transformed it into an elite vacation destination. Legend has it that somewhere on the island his secret project is hidden, and many have already tried to find it.

You also notice that after you arrive, the island shows signs of abnormal activities such as weird time frames, location swaps and other weird things. The island really seems to disorient you, making you end up on places you weren’t even trying to go.

There are three main goals on the island:
• find a way out
• find the hidden project
• find out who is sabotaging you, and why.

There are also a few dangers on the island:
• Hidden Characters who are sabotaging you
• Hidden areas.
• Terrain.
• Animals.

I will not kill any characters unless you guys tell me to do so by your own character. I will hurt them though.

The chance of your character getting injured in a dangerous situation depends on their importance which is random/ our of your hands.

Don’t get mad about this, I won’t make them have any permanent injuries and sometimes the island’s weird sense of time can speed up healing.

Game rules:
You are allowed to:
• Explore (if you tag me so I can tell you what you find)
• Decide for yourself when it’s day and night.
• Have relationships, of course, if it’s too steamy, take it to PM
• Add your own drama.
• Add action as long as you tell me what you’re planning.
• Tell me if you want to help with playing a hidden character.

You aren’t allowed to:
• Kill or injured other characters without their consent.
• Decide on your own if you find something (of course stuff that have no value such as shells, twigs and little things are allowed)
• Have your characters have contact with people outside the island

Other Rules:
• In the PM and RP, be respectful to each other.
• Don’t attack someone’s character or way of playing. Friendly tips are allowed but keep it friendly and supportive!
• If you do find something offensive, TELL ME!
• You get only ONE warning and if you still act rude, you’ll get removed from the RP. I’m very stern about this. My rp’s are for fun, not to insult people!

Extra info on the Hidden characters:
Hidden characters can either be an extra character or your original character. You’ll get an additional role in the RP. it’s not an active role that will change everything you planned for, but it will give you the opportunity to add some action into the RP and plan interesting situations for other characters.

When you fill in the form, you can let me know if they are.
If you fill in the older sign, you can PM me if you want to have a hidden character after all.

Sign up:

Starting Date:
11th of May

Even after the RP starts, sign-ups will never close. I have ways to make you enter the RP after it starts :wink:


@FuzilladeBlue @LunaticLeviTheSecond @Megan @Secretz


@LunaticLeviTheSecond - 1 male
@Michelle - Female
@Mouschi - Female
@kateharper - Male and Female
@Littlefeets - Male and Female
@CelestialKitten - Female
@BlackBlood - Male and Female
@Secretz - male
@unicornio - Male and Female
@phnx - Female
@glxwingAngel - Female (maybe Male)
@paige - Male and Female
@ForeverAngel - female
@dearest - female (maybe male)
@SnowyStar - Male
@anon41771169 - Male
@Skyler2 - Male
@L.C.R - Male and Female
@Dusk - Female


Reserve for a male

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Reserve female I thinkkk (Gahhh I need to stop signing up to rps help)

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Haha sure. And don’t worry, there’s no requirement of how many posts in a certain time. I will check on people. After a while though.

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Reserve a female :eyes:

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Could you reserve a female and a male for me? thanks
lol I’m doing wayyy too many RPs rn on top of the one I’m running but I love the idea so idgaf

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Haha thanks and sure

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Reserve a male and a female please!

Ooh that sounds fun.

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okii, and I’ll write you up as one who’s interested, okay?

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Reserve a female

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Reserve for a male and female?

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Reserve for a male






Anyone else who wants to tag others they think will be interested PLEASE DO

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