Margo smiled at the girl’s comment of her fondness regarding creepy things, which just sort of proved to her that her first impression of her was probably pretty accurate. She was definitely going to be a fun one. ”a real firecracker” she told her, looking over at the girl, who’s name she didn’t know yet. She was pretty, to say the least… she was bloody gorgeous, though many of the girls here were, it was probably part of the reason they were chosen, so it makes sense in a way. The girl had a beautiful dress that just fit her perfectly, and it’s important to appreciate beauty when you see it.
”wait what do you mean you almost burnt the house down?” she then asked, partly confused partly surprised at the information that was just given to her.
The girl then introduced herself as Lore and put her hand out for an handshake, ”Margo” she introduced herself back and shook Lore’s hand ”definitely a pleasure to meet you, Lore” she smiled
@Kristi Loreee