The subject of birthday parties

Due to Coronavirus I know alot of birthday parties have been cancelled. I know how hearbreaking this can be so I wanted to do something, please comment on this thread if your birthday party/event has been cancelled due to COVID-19, comment the date of your birthday and what you were going to do and as a forum we can come together.

If you don’t want to then you don’t need to :heart:

I just want to give you something to look forward to.


My birthday is March 31st.
I was going to go to a restaurant with some friends from work, but I doubt we’ll even see each other that day. Plus, I wouldn’t want to put them at risk by inviting them to leave their houses to come celebrate with me. :slightly_frowning_face:

Now, I might just ask some neighbors if we can order some pizza and have a pool party. :sunflower:


Bump! :rose::two_hearts:

My birthday is on Friday…but I have a 3 hour exam on that day, so…:neutral_face::rose::two_hearts:


Oh, yeah… I remember this…

I did nothing that I was planning on doing because of personal problems. So all I did was grade work that the kids sent in the previous day. :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:

But at least you guys made me a nice birthday thread on the forums! :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :coffee:


This is still a rad idea, so I’ll bump it instead of closing it :eyes::green_heart:

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My birthday is in summer, so I never actually do anything for my party since everyone’s on vacation. It’s mostly hanging out with family, so nothing much will change because of the virus.

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youre supposed to be asleep

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Sleep :grinning:

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But it’s 5 PM!

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Ah yes, 5pm

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Closed due to inactivity