Hey guys. I had to write a rhetorical analysis on the Trans bathroom issue, and was wondering what you guys think. Personally, I have several Trans friends and it angers me that this is even being debated. Everyone has to go to the bathroom, and I don’t understand why, in 2020, Trans people still have to be afraid. I mean, not going to the bathroom can actually kill you! We’re all human, what’s the damn deal?! @Discussions
I personally don’t have any trans friends in fact I don’t even know any trans, but it doesn’t mean I’m against it and I totally agree with you.
Nobody should have to be afraid to use the bathroom, no matter what.
We all choose different paths in life, who has the right to decide for us, apart from ourselves.
Yeah, exactly.
I myself have lots of trans friends as well and like you said, everyone needs to go to the bathroom. It’s a basic human necessity. If you’re so uncomfortable with someone who’s transgender being there, do your business and go about your day instead of making them feel badly about themselves. I completely agree that a trans person going to the bathroom shouldn’t have to be debated-
Yeah. Basic human need.
Yeah I think it shouldn’t be debated. An actual predator probably wouldn’t go the effort to become trans, they would just walk in the bathroom when almost no one is there or no one is watching and do something.
O.O I was referring to the fact that a person’s right to go to the bathroom isn’t a debate, but you’re right.
Oh yeah I’m just talking about the fact that people think that trans people can’t go into gendered restrooms and stuff cuz they think that they are predators or something lol.
Yep…it’s terrible.
Hi @rozie. What did you think of this?
trans women are in such a pickle
but i think they should be able to use the women’s bathroom
if its a man doing drag, or a gay man they use the mens but if u identify as female u can use ur assigned bathroom, just be mindful of yall kids this was a thing from the start
trans men same, aint nobody wanna man in the women’s bathroom go choose what you chose. if ur a female doin drag or a gay female stay in sho lane
And my non binary friends have a problem too, since they don’t identify as male or female…
i mean shiii
this where the complex multi step math problems start drawing out in my head
there should b an enby bathroom, the whole point is not being either sex let em have it
just like less stalls or sum cos unnecessary space
Well, I’ve already met this topic a year ago because it was also a contemporary issue from there.
The thing is that homophobic people might cause fear for them. Discrimination always happens. Say, you’re an mtf and you are forced to go to the male toilet room—which is gonna take away your sense of transforming (?) into the other gender, right? Also, if you go to the women’s bathroom, how about the hygiene? I’m pretty sure that the genitals have difference xD
I’m sorry if I offended anyone with this, but I only took into consideration the discrimination and the hygiene.
Honestly, a bathroom shouldn’t define your gender. Toilets are “male” and “female” in the purpose of serving the two according to their sexes so I don’t see any necessity to this debate except from the fact that there are really people who can’t accept that there is what we call “freedom of expression.”
im on lowbat so i cant add anything anymor ebye
Yeah! Gender neutral bathrooms really shouldn’t be that hard. People are just transphobic jerks.
*insert question mark black guy meme *
They deserve their rights to go to a bathroom they’re comfortable with