The travel thread

That’s nice, what have you visited if I can ask that?

Ohhh, that’s so cool! If I were you I would definitely try to do that


Oh, wow, that’s quite an impressive list! Canada is also something I am definitely interested in visiting!

What was your opinion on Bangladesh? From a friend of mine who went there I heard it was a really poor country and she’s used to a lot, like she basically traveled through whole Asia but she felt like Bangladesh was the poorest and least organized country…

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I have visited Italy and Thessaloniki, a city in Greece

And i would go to America but it’s too much for a year


Ohh, nice!

Yeah that does make sense, a year is a long time…


Yeah i’m not that extreme :sweat_smile:

I don’t really remember because I was so little at that time

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I’ve been to… England. The Highlands. Ireland… Oh, Turkey! I’ve been to Turkey :eyes:


One of my parents has worked for two airline companies so my sister were fortunate enough to of travel a lot when we were younger.
(Apparently my mother also visited France when she was pregnant with me xD)

In no particular order (excluding my home country and resident country):

  • Singapore [my favourite]
  • France (I have family there) + Monaco
  • Malaysia
  • Thailand
  • Greece (twice)
  • Italy (only once)
  • South Africa
  • Mauritius

I’ve been to some of them, like France and Malaysia, several times. I’m also planning future trips with my friends because there are a few countries we’d like to visit.

I visited the Asian and African countries (except Malaysia) when I was younger so I remember our Europe trips better.

we don’t spend as much as regular tourists/travellers would on trips because of the airline company privileges.


Well, next year in April (2020), I’m traveling to DC (Washington) for 2 days? I think.

Then the following year (2021), I’m going to Springfield for like a day.



I’ve been to Virginia several times (great place)- you have beaches, you have forests… you have everything.
I used to live in California (don’t know if that counts lol)
And I plan to go to the Phillipines.


I’ve been to Canada once and went to Pennsylvania, both this summer.

It was wonderful, and I wanna go to Canada again. But the bus ride is too long. I love travelling in general, I’ve always wanted to go to California, London, South Korea and maybe Japan… I wanna go everywhere!


I have visited more than 15 countries and stopped counting somewhere on the way. Gonna visit Austria! I´m seriously thinking of going to spend a weekend in either Klagenfurt / Villach. Is it worth visiting without a car or Klagenfurt Airport Taxi to city? Are nearby places suitable for walking only?


My plans for next summer, traveling around the UK for like a week maybe 2, since the first semester of my third year will be Erasmus exchange so I am already abroad a long time. And in the last part of this year I will already be in the UK for a course I am following so it would be nice to stay there a bit longer, maybe see some more friends from past holidays there and stuff like that

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Bump :airplane:

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My travel plans for 2020:

In May I am going to probably Ireland for university
In July I am going to Iceland for 12 days and focus on photography there
Then I am going to France or Spain for a midweek with some friends
And lastly I am hopefully going to Czechia for 5.5 months to study there

Gosh it really is a lot if I see it like this :grimacing:

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My family moves a lot.

I was born in New Zealand, lives there until I was about 7 then we moved, first to France. (Although that was only for about 3 months) then to Scotland (the part I lived in was nicknamed Scotland’s Garden)

Then, I moved to the west coast of Scotland only just into the highlands. Now I live on Shetland.

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Anyone any interesting travel plans or previous trips you want to talk about?
I don’t want this thread to be so quiet :sob:

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Well, I haven’t been abroad yet (unfortunately), but I plan to visit in a few countries (it’s a long list)

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My next trip is back to school :expressionless:

…first thing in the morning