The use of space in horror and science fiction

I love when space is used in horror stories, primarily in movies but I made this thread because I love books that are either set in space or follow something a long the lines of time travel.

Space is a good thing to use in horror because it’s the unknown, think of War of the Worlds it’s about aliens from Mars but by the very fact that the tripods were already in the ground, that means they were here before :eyes:

So this thread is to discuss how space is used in stories and how we can implement it into our own.

Personally I wish there was more focus on Science fiction as a genre because it is so interesting.


Thank you :sob: I write sci-fi on Episode and they don’t even recognize it as a genre on its own :woman_facepalming:t2:


There is literally sub genres to sci-fi and they just treat it like fantasy


I think sci-fi is an eyemazing genre that needs more attention. :pleading_face::new_moon::dizzy::black_heart:


Sci-fi is pretty rad

Personally I am not a major fan tbh, haha, I am just more someone who enjoys more realistic settings I guess :thinking: But I did read one good horror book taking place in space when I was 13, but I forgot the name :grimacing:

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Space in movies to me = aliens :eyes:

I forgot about this thread reeee



That classic Alien tagline.

In space, no-one can hear you scream

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What do you think of the Alien games?

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Alien: Isolation is freaking incredible

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Science fiction and fantasy have been my favorite genres as long as I can remember. I don’t think I’ve seen a lot of horror in space stuff but that sounds interesting.

My favorite sci-fi movie is Interstellar and my favorite book is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. :heart_eyes:


Love both of these too!


Yo, such great shouts :sob:

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  • When have you seen space used effectively in horror and science fiction?
  • Have you ever used space as a setting in your writing? What was your experience with this?
  • Do you like seeing stories set in space?



Oh I thought you meant actual space to create suspense or tension :joy:

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Closed due to inactivity :innocent: