Elixr dreaming of the Seven Dwarfs
Over in another kingdom, far far away, the “Elixr” princess slept. Only some knew her as Ira and many as Peppermints, but most knew her as Elixr; the princess who drank a youthful potion and never woke up from her dreams. Dreams of such vivid imagery that they were actually real life; created
from her mind into another kingdom. Her latest series of dreams, which have been running through her mind, was of a group of dwarves who lived and worked together.
On this current, very wet and miserable winter’s day, it was their monthly medical check. Run by a rather medically incompetent, who was spending the usual lengthy amount of time with Wolfie. Wolfie was always first in to see Doc and generally spent four times as long with her as the other six combined. This was partly because after every third word they sneezed and partly because they were a hypochondriac.
Like most months, Tina had a short fuse and was losing patience fast. “I’m just so freaking angry,” she screamed at Wolfie and Cali, who were concentrating on their own thing. “I used to be super easy with this taking so long, but I’m really sick of people just doing whatever they please and not caring about how I feel.”
“Wait, really?”, asked Alex, a lot happier than one would normally sound. “When was that?”
Tina stayed silent but still fuming. It was Kristi to answer, with a dazed giggle, and answered, “I remember writing the cringiest line, I can show you if you want.”
“Wait, did Dopey say do again?”, EI asked as everyone looked in her direction, seeing she seemed to be having an off day and hibernating in the corner next to Phleg, who still hadn’t awoken.
Kristi looked confused. “What did I do?”
“Nothing,” Cali finally answered. "Hopefully I can get to the rest of you soon.
“But what about me?”, Wolfie whined and Cali Sighed.
The scenario this is based on is found here.
The Princess & Dwarves
@elixr, @WolfGamerGirl37, @phlegmatic, @Kristi, @CrazyCaliope, @Ouijaloveletters, @anon68003072, @eunoia