Wolfie shadowing the Seven Dwarfs
A salivating mouth, a growling belly, a thirst for the blood of her next meal, and both a bruised ego and body after the stitches in her belly. Wolfie had distaste in her mouth after that hunter slit her open to release her food. That grandmother and the hooded girl had been so tasty she’d swallowed them whole. If only she hadn’t ticked off that hunter early in the day.
Fortunately for Wolfie, she was able to drag herself with her front paws to H A & E (Hunting Accidents and Emergencies) where a medical profess-animal fixed her, stitching up her belly. It had left her hungry, hungry for a meal that stayed in her belly this time.
Perched at the edge of a small stream, hidden behind some foliage, she stalked the next meal she’d found herself. Seven meals to be exact, one for each day of the week. Although the thought struck Wolfie that she could follow them back to their home and eat them comfortably there this week, however, what if they lived in a large village? She would surely not be able to take on all its villagers. No, she would have to do it here.
Across the stream, the seven dwarfs were spending this warm day washing their clothes. Not all seven were being particularly helpful; the main one was Lixie who was snoozing instead. Her back was against a tree and her medium-length brown hair pressed in between. Only briefly did she wake by Alex’s clumsy scream.
“Arrgg!” Alex voiced as she went from standing in the stream to plummeting face-first into the water.
Rose burst out laughing at the scene, having to prop herself on a bashful cat, who was in disbelief, to avoid falling in herself. “Ow! Yeah, it’s funny but not that funny,” Alex was trying to laugh too, holding back the pain from her face.
Izzy, who had been standing next to Alex, offered her a hand up. “You look like you could use a steady hand.”
“Thanks,” Alex replied. But just as she reached up to take the hand offered to her, Izzy sneezed, causing Alex to fall back in the water to avoid getting sprayed with gunk from her nasal passage. With this, Rose laughed even harder and lost her own balance in the process, landing butt-first in the water.
Phleg was silent stewing over what their friends were doing. Shaking their head, they had started washing their clothes more vigorously, frustrated that only one other dwarf was doing anything. That other dwarf was Dr El, who had noticed Phleg’s mood change. Speaking to Phleg in a more calming voice, she told them, “Okay Grumpy, I see you’re annoyed, I’m literally telling you that they will regret messing around now when they haven’t any clothes tomorrow.”
This seemed to please Phleg, whose fists loosened just a little from around the shirt collar they were currently washing.
And it was now, when none of the seven was on watch, that Wolfie decide to strike!
The scenario this is based on is found here.
The Dwarves
@WolfGamerGirl37, @WritingWithStars, @elixr, @Ouijaloveletters, @anon68003072, @Rose, @Rainbow, @phlegmatic