The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is my favorite tv show. I’ve rewatched earlier seasons many times on Netflix. Season 10 premiered last week. Are there any other fans of the show out there?

Here we can discuss the tv show, the spin-off show Fear the Walking Dead, the comic books (which I have read all but the final 6-ish issues), or the games (Any Walking Dead games. the telltale games which I haven’t been able to play or other Walking Dead games)


The Telltale games are the best ones.


Unfortunately, Telltales is closed…

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I liked seasons 1-4 and hated the comics so… :eyes:

I also liked the Telltale game, though season 1 was the best and quite honestly I’m not a fan of how much money Telltale thought they could squeze out of people with the multi-episode nonsense :eyes:


Must confess I’ve never seen it

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I was watching WD until season 9 I think. I dunno why, but it stopped being that interesting. But I will finish it eventually.

Fear the walking dead didn’t stuck with me too, although I enjoyed the beginning.


Never watched it.

Closed due to inactivity :wilted_flower: