The way you speak

Do you think language determine the way you speak to people?

I am from a country who dosent have the word, please. we dont say please pass me the salt. we say give me the salt.

if I said that to an English person I would be rude. our way of talking in my language is more straight forward.

I read an article some time ago about how peoples personality change when they speak another language. in Danish, I am a nice friendly person. English I am rude when I speak. do any of you feel like you are different when speaking another language


Yes. I find that when speaking in a language other than English, I sound too formal.


I’ve noticed that with my mom. She’s so sweet when she speaks English or Spanish, but when she speaks Greek, she sounds more sarcastic.


To anyone who doesn’t know Gaelic, I sound like I’m just standing there swearing at them.


I don’t speak any other languages other than english (yet- I’m learning Spanish)- but some people have gotten angry at other people online just by their perceived tone, when they were newer to english. Some people will rage at you for little things like that, even if you do intend it to come off as nice and polite.


I can relate to this sort of. Some of the my co-workers are Turkish but they speak German and Turkish language with strong accents when speaking English. The older co-worker who is the mother of the younger co-worker speaks in a abruptly manor where she can come off rude sometimes. She doesn’t speak as much German around me then her daughter and son-in-law do. Her daughter on the other hand speaks mostly German and Turkish with only a little bit of English. It took me awhile to notice when they were being rude and not rude but eventually I started to see the differences. Though me and the daughter are in a rift right now because she thinks she can throw her weight around even though she isn’t a manager but that’s entirely other conversation to be honest.


Well. Not really. The way I sound depends on how many swear words I know. I know three languages, and I can freely swear just in two. So I suppose I sound nicer in Latvian (they don’t have many original swears). Although some people said that my voice tone changes depending on language, like that my tone is more rough when I speak Russian.


I think it just depends. When I’m speaking Hausa, I tend to sound more casual yet odd, funny thing is… most people around me don’t speak it. So I sound crazy when I use Hausa.


I only speak English but improving on Somali and I sound… different speaking Somali, I guess.


I think so. My rhythmic gymnastics coach was Russian, and she was so nice and polite, but spoke English like she was rude. Like, instead of saying, ‘I’m not the right person to talk to about that,’ she said ‘Don’t talk to me!!’


My voice usually changes depending on the language and I sound a bit smarter in German because of my vocabulary… I still think that I must sound like a eight year old when I talk in English because I don’t know that many words :sweat_smile::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


You know a lot!


I really thought that English was your first language until you actually said so a while ago! You know a lot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck::blue_heart:


In general when I speak French I sound like I’m taking the mick out of the language


im told i sound really rude.

honestly, its just the accent

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People tell me I sound stuck-up. I do not, I don’t. It’s the New Yorker accent, I forget the r’s and make it an aw instead!


I say okay then like “Oohkayden,”
Idk why lol


I sound rude when I speak English e.e
I don’t get why everyone is offended when I say “What?” :rofl:
Speaking in Latvian, I sound much nicer :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: The words sound nice too ngl
And then when I’m speaking Spanish, I end up sounding angry yet nice at the same time :>


People laugh when I say the word “no”

They’ll ask me a question, I’ll say “no”

Then they react as though I’ve just said the funniest thing ever

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It’s funny cause it’s something similar as you’ve said with Dutch, like we are more direct in what we want to say and I really notice that in my own way of talking. When I talk English I sound a bit more polite I guess and in Dutch quite laid back but more direct… In Spanish I sound like a way too excited person cause I automatically start talking way faster when I speak Spanish :rofl:

Also I’ve added a languages tag!