The weirdest and/or funniest conversations you’ve ever had?

I’m interested to know what you talk about * smiles like a creep *.

What’s the weirdest and/or funniest conversation you’ve ever had?


why did that make me laugh so hard i-

ANYwAYs it was probably with theo about uh uh uh dirty things ORRRR lucy about her flashing her cat :joy:

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I once had a two-hour long discussion with an RE teacher about the kinda problematic things in old school Buddhism. That was weird as. I also spent a while talking to her about Naruto once, also weird but way fun.

Speaking of. In my job at Superdrug I had an awesome convo with my boss about the seasonal anime coming out that year. 2017, so I don’t really remember all the good anime we spoke about tbh. I just remember the conversation I had a few days later regarding all the erm… Electronic pleasure devices I kept finding in the store room. That was a funny explanation from her

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I once had to explain asexuality to somebody. It was hard. :blue_heart:

Another weird conversation was with my great-grandmother. We were talking about the difference between bananas and plantains. No matter how many times I say it, she still calls bananas plantains. :woman_facepalming::man_facepalming::joy::sparkling_heart:



Um, yeah, the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had was probably about the best brands to buy bras and crop tops… with my 17 year old male cousin. It wasn’t creepy or anything, it was literally just like a girl-to-girl talk… except with a guy :joy:



Probably the time my older cousin asked to borrow my phone to watch youtube videos. I was a kind soul so I gave it to him – worst mistake of my life :pensive:. Instead of youtube, he went to a much different site (and didn’t even have the audacity to sign out of my google or go to the private search place!)

Or maybe when I offered my baby cousin a piece of chocolate for a hug – she took the chocolate but I never got a hug. The conversation was hilarious though considering she was like 1 and some odd months old.



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I have to teach my parents a lot of things… surprisingly easy things, such as converting PDF’s, using Snapchat, freeing phone space, and…
Apparently changing the phone language from Spanish back to English.

The whole time my parents might talk to me about this, I’m internally screaming because of how clueless they are towards technology.
Funny conversations follow :joy:


I had to explain asexuality to someone and how we were not plants-

Next time I’ll just redirect him to some credible google sites…


How do people relate asexuality with a plant? :laughing:


I have no idea.

I remember I was having a conversation with my ex bf (bf at the time) about what he would do if I was in a situation like the guy in 127 hours and it was by far one of the strangest conversations I’vr had

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Almost every conversation I have with my friends turns out funny or weird…
• we once discussed if we would classify one of my friends as a fridge or a werewolf (she turned out to be a fridge)
• a friend of mine said that she thought that a teacher looks hot and he walked by in that moment…
• there was another time where we discussed whether or not we should worship trees…
• there are more, but they get even weirder, so I should stop… :eyes: :sparkles:

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