The worst parts of anime/manga

What do you think are the worst parts of anime or manga?

For me I think the worst parts of anime are filler episodes that don’t really do anything for character development.

Manga maybe pages of not much happening.



I mentioned this on my reasons to dislike anime but…

Anime and manga do just have that sexualising kids problem, don’t it? :joy: Nothing puts me off a show more than when a character looking like a literal child get objectified by the cinematography. It’s disgusting


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Um, there isn’t a worst part, but there are some bad parts of anime/manga.

  • Some anime have bad writing.
  • Over sexualised scenes.
  • Triggering scenes without trigger warnings.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

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Honestly the worst part of anime and manga is that 9/10 times women aren’t written with any real character, strength, intelligence or agency.


So My Hero female characters in a nutshell?

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Normalising/romanticising unhealthy tropes…

e.g: Female characters harassing or attacking the protagonist (without a valid reason) but it is depicted as “romantic” or “cute”.


My Hero is one of the better examples actually
I’m thinking more along the lines of SAO, Death Note, Shonen shows like Naruto.


Even female centered shows like Sailor Moon suffered from this problem

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As much as I love Naruto, I agree that the female characters in it weren’t done well. Sakura missed too many opportunities to become the badass heroine we wanted her to be.


This is why I really disliked Taiga Aisaka from Toradora at first.


I totally understand, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Toradora but I definitely wasn’t a big fan of hers intially. The tsundere trope is verrrry iffy because it’s really easy for it to border the unhealthy idea of “they abuse you because they love you.” x-x


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