Theme of The Week: (18/05/20)

Our theme of the week this week is

Ancient Civilizations

I hope you all enjoy!



Which of the following ancient civilizations would you like to visit?

  • The Incan Civilization
  • The Aztec Civilization
  • The Roman Civilization
  • The Persian Civilization
  • The Ancient Greek Civilization
  • The Chinese Civilization
  • The Maya Civilization
  • The Ancient Egyptian Civilization
  • The Indus Valley Civilization
  • The Mesopotamian Civilization

0 voters


All of them at the same time

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That would cost gems :wink:

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Take them, take them all!

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Thanks! :gem::gem::gem:

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Now I gotta watch ads for more

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I’ll make a time traveling machine only for you :japanese_ogre:

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Yay :blush::blush::blush:

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New theme soon!