Theme of the week playlist: New Year

There are so many songs that can fit into this, so please send me songs that you are going to be listening to at the time and also try finding a song that sums up the year you’ve had. This will be going on the official YouTube channel.

NOTE: Guys I update the playlist when I have time, if you can’t see a song you have put on then please tag me and ask, chances are there is just a lag between the playlist and the forums.

As always this post will be a wiki:

New Years Day - Black Veil Brides
Abba - Happy New Year
Auld Lang Syne - A new year’s classic
Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time - Panic! At the Disco
Roaring 20’s - Panic! At the Disco (for 2020)


I will most likely be listening to some random Russian music at my grandparents house :sweat_smile::joy::eyes::sparkles:

I don’t know any new year related songs, but I hope to see some eyemazing songs here :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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Lol I know a band called New Years Day

Watch me just fill it with all their songs :joy:


Dreams in New York?

It’s a Christmas song but also fits new year, and I love how it goes all Irishy in the middle :green_heart::wolf::revolving_hearts:



Auld Lang Syne - A new year’s classic
Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time - Panic! At the Disco
Roaring 20’s - Panic! At the Disco (for 2020)


I’m excited for the rawring 20s :joy:


Omg yes. Especially when your doing it in a room full of drunk people and get to laugh at them tripping over each other :rofl::wolf::revolving_hearts:

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It’s added to the list :joy:

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I’ve just found it. :joy:

It’s not my favourite version, but it’s still nice to listen to.

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I was trying to find a certain version of it and one of the singers pronounced gie’s wrong. :sob::scream_cat::rage::wolf::revolving_hearts:

A lot of them are good, but don’t have the accent to pull off the chorus :joy::sweat::wolf::revolving_hearts:

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Abba - Happy New Year

Added your songs =/

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All the songs suggested get added to the playlist

Whether in the wiki or not

But it’s easier in the wiki


Anyone have any more songs?

Wake me up

It’s on there…

I mean the Avicii version :sweat_smile: sorry I should’ve specified

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Could you find the link? :sweat_smile:

It’s kind of relevant

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