Then and Now Anime/Manga - 25 years ago

25 years ago was 1995 and anime and manga were quite different!

According to Anime Planet, Whisper of the Heart, Ghost in the Shell, and Slayers all aired in 1995, among many others. Although I haven’t seen them, I’ve definitely heard of them.

What have been the major changes you’ve noticed in that time?
What’s your favorite modern anime?
What’s your favorite anime from the 90s?
Do you prefer to watch older or newer anime?


Artstyle, definitely. Censorship has also either lessened or gotten better depending on where you live. There is also the rise in popular tropes such as isekai, which, although existent for a long time, got its height in popularity spike in recent years.

The Promised Neverland as of now.

Sailor Moon purely because I’m basic because of it being one of my first animes.

Newer, if I’m being honest. However, I have no problem with watching older anime if its plot peaks my interest enough.

What about you guys? Do you think anime has gotten worse or better over the years? @AnimeNerds :eyes:


I haven’t really seen any anime from then but I believe it should be better now because it just keeps improving

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Do you believe that anime has been getting worse plot-wise or better?

Do you think that good animation is more important than a cohesive story?

Do you feel the amount of fan service in anime is the same or has gotten worse/better?

And lastly, do you think that nostalgia is a driving factor that makes people think that older anime was better, but in reality it’s the same/worse?

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The art style, more diversity. More innapropiate mindsets being implemented lol.

Couldn’t decide.

Couldn’t decideeee.

I like both, it’s the plot that I care about.

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