Originally published at: https://shanniiwrites.com/2019/05/18/things-all-new-episode-writers-should-know/
There are so many things that you need to know to do well as an Episode writer. Make sure you start strong with this great list of things to think about!
I really liked this post too, gave some wonderful advice!
Also, I’ve subscribed to the blog.
This article (or post?) is nice and helpful, so bump.
Just re-read this as I slowly finish the start of my first episode story and there are lots of good tips, so thanks!
I’m so glad it was helpful! You’re writing a story?
Yes, I think it’s the fourth one I’ve begun but I have mostly a beginning, middle and end so hopefully it’ll be one I finally publish haha
Just added a few tags
Hey @Bloggers and @Episodians , what some of things you should know and do you know them? Take a read of this and tell me what you think!
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