Things you don't like about your favourite anime

With your favourite anime, it’s usually pretty easy to look past the rough details and focus on what you love about it. That aside, there’s usually a few things about it that get under your skin and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to look past them. So, what are some things you don’t like about your favourite anime?


The 100 filler episodes. - Naruto shippuden
The English bud suck and does do the source material justice - Vampire Knight
Boruto is most filler episodes
That there is a lot of hate for SAO

Filler scenes bother me a lot in pretty much all anime.

Over-sexualization of characters has also ruined a lot of shows for me.

Lolis are creepy


The anime was made into an anime after the game version which definitely helps me enjoy the anime since I’m not usually a fan of watching them.

What bothers me is that it’s missing a lot of the details and skips some scenes that I really enjoyed in the game version. It’s too quick and kinda choppy.

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Angels of Death? :eyes:


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@AnimeNerds anything you don’t like about your favourite anime?

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I don’t like Miroku, his perverted nature is really upsetting.
I also don’t like how less screen time Sesshomaru gets he seemed like he had much more potential.
Maybe how there’s some weird cuts in the show.
And lastly how much Kagome told Inuyasha to sit so many times-
It was to much, especially when she didn’t get her way.
It was suppose to help him not kill her in the first few episodes but omg it was an over kill :flushed:
And it wasn’t necessary.

Ouch. It is kinda funny, though.

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Sakura being so useless in naruto then her character development in shippuden being skipped over a bit.

Added some tags :eyes::sparkles:

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I have a few “favorite” anime’s.

I really didn’t like the way Light just ASSUMED he won at the end even though Near had him surrounded… like bruh… AND THEN HE DIED. Oml. Oh and I don’t like that L died.

Tokyo Ghoul… NO ISSUES ha.

Yeah no that’s the only anime where I was like… c’mon…

@AnimeNerds what anime have you watched and really enjoyed but just had something happenin it that you can’t get over?

I stopped after that. Just…no more. I don’t care.

Really? I heard season two wasn’t good.

That’s what you heard from others. Not me. 😵‍💫

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Very true!

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