This bugs me. What are your thoughts?

My great aunt Jeanine died yesterday, and when my mom told me, after talking about Swedish meatballs for five minutes, but that’s irrelevant, she said “Aunt Jeanine passed away.” Why don’t you just say that she died? I don’t get it. Who even coined that? I’m sorry, this is extremely random, I’m just really bothered by this. @Discussions


I think sometimes people tend to do this as they feel awkward or uncomfortable revealing something like really serious like that. I feel like I would do that too just because I would be very nervous and wouldn’t know how to just throw it out there especially if it was someone that person cared about a lot…


People often use expressions like ‘passed away’ to soften the blow of the news of someone’s death as it’s much less blunt

It could be that your mom was trying to make the news easier for you to hear or it was her way of making it easier on herself


I mean, we figured it was coming, and she knows I can handle bluntness, considering how blunt I can be. I don’t know, it just annoys me.


Maybe she said it that way because the full truth would be harder for her to say out loud. Ypu might take bluntness well but she might not like being blunt