This duckling is bored! Fill out this (anonymous) opinion form about me!

Opinion #12:

so basically i have no opinion on you (or anyone for that matter) bc well i dont form opinions but from what i see i assume you’re more gentle so ig thats cool. at least you’re not an @sshole

~submitted by @phlegmatic

Ooo, interesting, why don’t you form opinions? :eyes::eyes:
And yay, I’m not an a— :star_struck::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Opinion #13:

you’re as rad as fries (star_struck)

~submitted by @TheDancingFryer

Woah, thanks for the compliment sm :star_struck::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Opinion #14:

Well, you are nice and kind, and fun to hang out with, great at keeping up with irl life and the forums. Your forum games are great!

~submitted by @celestialkitten

Aww, thank you! :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:
But I’m not keeping up with my irl life at all tbh, because I don’t have one :grinning::gun:


More will be posted later/tomorrow :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


It takes a lot of time for me to do so. But I tend not to because I like to objectively look at things and to form an opinion you have to have subjective factors playing within to give reason for your opinion and well I see reason in every opinion and never been able to form my own due to that fact.

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Is it strange that even before I finished reading it, I had the feeling that it was from @/phlegmatic? :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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Guess who’s back with more? :star_struck:

Opinion #15:

You are passionate about the things you do and people you care for, kind and helpful. Also creative and artistic. Probably athletic, too, since you play a lot of tennis. As most Intelligent people you tend to overthink stuff until you feel sad or insecure, I guess most of us can relate. A bit sensitive at times, too. And probably online too much…

~submitted by @Nemesis

Lol, I’m not athletic, just decent at tennis :joy:
But I guess the rest is kinda true :eyes::sparkles:
But there’s no such thing as being online too much :triumph::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Opinion #16:

You’re a duckling

~submitted by someone called “it’s complicated”

I know that already and I’m kinda offended that you gave me a 4 star review for how much you like to troll me :pleading_face::broken_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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Opinion #17:

I think you’re a smart, composed, matured, and rad duckling. Although sometimes you might come off as condescending, but that’s alright because at the end of the day, none of us is perfect.

~subitted by “:eyes:

Thanks! But what does condescending even mean? :star_struck::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Opinion #18:

ann :frog: and since this is the only place i can write smth on the form im gonna use that power! :weary::muscle: I literally just woke up, it was 8:30 am, and I realized that i have no breakfast food and i had a meeting in 20mins so i ended up drinking tea and chocolate :astonished::heart_eyes::frog::x::cold_face::scream::hot_face::gun::expressionless::cowboy_hat_face::woman_shrugging:t3::star_struck::weary::japanese_goblin::pleading_face:

~submitted by @AnnSza

You should have selected yes for the first question to gain access to the forumers writing form :triumph::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:
Woah, how did the meeting go? :eyes::sparkles:
Also, off topic sm :triumph::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Opinion #20:


Quack! :pleading_face::green_heart::duck::eyes::sparkles:


Opinion #21:

You’re awesome! You host nice games and you are always friendly and kind! Quack! :duck::sparkles:

~submitted by @Eliza

Aww, thank you! :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles::duck:


Opinion #22:

You are an awesome leader, bro :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

~submitted by someone who usually hogs the polls thread

Aww, thank you! :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Opinion #23:

You’re so fluffy

~submitted by Quackster

Uhh… Thanks I guess? :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

But why did you only rate me a 4/5 :sob:


Opinion #24:

You are a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck who is a duck

Uh… Okay? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::duck: I wonder how long that took :eyes::eyes:
I’m not a duck, I’m a duckling btw :eyes::eyes::green_heart::duck::pleading_face:


Hey why did that group tag not notify me :sneezing_face:

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Idk, I guess you are too rad for the group tag :eyes::eyes:

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Not rad enough*


*too rad

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