Thoughts on Mukbangs

Each to their own

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They’re FIINE.


Not that I mind mukbangs, but why would I want to watch somebody else eating :neutral_face:? I don’t find them (=mukbangs) interesting at all :woman_shrugging:t5:.
I remember I saw my sister watching a mukbang video, and the food the person ate looked really gross and not tempting at all. :nauseated_face::nauseated_face:


Sometimes they can be entertaining but I have a huge issue with mukbangers that have such poor table manners which puts me off in wanting to eat something I never tried before. If you are aware of who is Nikocado Avocado then yes, he has really poor table manners and he’s a terrible person!


If I see anyone eating anything, doesn’t matter if it’s right infront of me on or on video, I will become hungry!

I’ve watched some mukbangs, but I just starve after :rofl:

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