Tips for staying focused in class

I often struggle with staying focused in class because I’m easily distracted, so please share your tips here so we’ll all hopefully stay focused in class :eyes:

Here are some tips from me :eyes:

  1. Sit in one of the front rows: you won’t get distracted by what your other classmates are doing behind you if you can’t see them, so sit at the front and don’t turn around. :eyes::sparkles:
  2. Don’t put out any pens if you don’t have to write anything: I always start doodling if I have a pen in my hand and I’m not the only one. So try to put your pens away if you don’t need them, so you won’t feel tempted to draw in class. :eyes:
  3. Don’t sit next to your friends if they distract you: I know this sounds boring, but if you really want to focus on your education, you might want to try this. :eyes::sparkles:

So what other tips do you have? :eyes::sparkles:


the first and third tips are really good :eyes: but is the focus really worth it?

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  1. Have sufficient sleep.
  2. Write down notes if you want to
  3. Eat before going to school
  4. Try to recall what teacher said.

Depends on what the teacher is saying, really. If the teacher is off-topic and starts to have a pep talk, then not really.


I agree :eyes: I always hate having classes with my friends because they tend to distract me :sob:


Another way is to participate in class discussions and/or ask questions if you have any.

Try to sit straight in class. Sitting clumsily will make you lazy and you are more prone to get distracted :eyes:


I know but it’s so boring :sob:

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who needs focus :star_struck:


(Mainly applies to virtual learning)

  • As much as this pains me to say: close the forums window :sob::pensive::heart: I’ve stopped going on the forums during class and it’s much easier to concentrate
  • Turn off your phone or put it in a different room
  • Eating during class actually helps in my experience :thinking:
  • Take notes periodically
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What helped me stay focused in class was looking at the teacher. As soon as I looked somewhere else, my thoughts started wandering or I did other things than paying attention

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