Tips for writing on Wattpad

Writing on Wattpad can be difficult, especially when you’re just starting out and have no idea how everything there works :smile:
So let’s share our tips for writing on Wattpad here so we can all help each other! :smiley_cat:



Tips for writing anywhere, have an idea and just start writing. If you’ve written a good chunk of story then read it through. If you think you could make a good story out of it, then start tweaking/developing it to publish.


Post everyday or keep a constant schedule. The a-something likes that and you get shown more


Oh dearest me. There used to be so many of these threads in the old WP forums - except now there are no WP forums :sweat_smile:

For starters, I think it’s worth asking what it means to ‘write on WattPad’. Do you mean writing a popular / successful story? In this case, there are a few tips, but… TBH, WattPad popularity is a game of its own. Writing is just a small part of it - there is a ton of fantastic and completely undiscovered stories on the site.

As a general guideline: Works with ~1-2k words chapter length are considered best. WP is (like everything else) a mobile website, short chapters are more comfortable to read on a smartphone. That’s not to say that stories with ‘proper novel’ chapters can’t become popular; they just don’t cater to the audience as much.

A lot has been said about the ‘right’ genres for WP. It’s true that romance dominates the website (and literature in general). Writing a romance will get you further; if not, then at least give your work romantic sub-plots. Shipping is the true power behind WP popularity! Other popular genres include werewolf sub-genre, fantasy (it’s the second biggest category on the website) and mystery/thriller - though again, you need to add romance to make them truly successful.

Finally: A lot depends on your attitude. There are two kinds of writers who do extremely poorly on WP. Both of them share a strong prejudice against WattPad and its users: WP is a garbage bin, most stories are crap and the users are idiots who can’t tell a good story from a bad one.

The first type is an arrogant writer: ‘My writing is good, I put a lot of effort into it. Nothing below my level is worth reading. WattPad readers are plebs who prefer shitty stories over quality. I’m not popular because I’m good. WP readers need to grow up to my level so they can appreciate REAL writing.’ This attitude will get you nowhere. How can you hope to attract an audience when you’re looking down on it? :sweat_smile:

The second type is a manipulative writer who constructs an artificial ‘story’ out of the popular cliches and tropes. They believe that WP users are extremely superficial and don’t care what they read: As long as you throw some ‘popular’ stuff at them, they’ll swallow it bait, hook and sinker. This attitude, again, is doomed to fail. WattPad users know what they like and can tell the genuine article from a counterfeit.

To write for WP successfully, you need to understand its audience and give them what they want. You have to understand them, enjoy writing the stories they like and put honest effort into them. I’ve always felt this is the biggest source of frustration to WattPad writers: Some of us (myself included) simply don’t enjoy writing what WP readers enjoy to read :blush:


^ agree with a lot of this!

I guess all I can add is that it’s smart try to write everything at once, then publish weekly or biweekly. For one, this means you can go back and edit things before you put it out into the world. Additionally, it’s super important to stay on schedule (I know this from experience :sweat_smile:) so it’s a lot easier when you have things ready to go, instead of trying to write a chapter a week every week. Also, I’ve heard Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays are the best days to publish! Try to analyze where your readers/followers are from and tailor it to their timezone.


I’ve heard many times now that you should only publish finished stories on Wattpad, so you can just focus on promoting and you can upload new chapters more often and regularly. Apparently, promoting on Wattpad takes a lot of time and effort so you won’t have much time to write at the same time.

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