Tomb Raider Games

I’m not going to go into a huge monologue about Tomb Raider. The Franchise is one of the longest-running for video games. It also covers a large variety of consoles-pc’s when it comes to playing them. The first game that came out in 1996 was called Tomb Raider which now has 17 games including the new game Shadow of the Tomb Raider which came out in 2018. There is also a new mobile game that is coming out sometime this year for the Tomb Raider series which is supposed to have a multi-series continuation as well. I will link the article below that goes over the new game. It really does look interesting to me so I’m definitely downloading it when the game is finally released. In truth, I have only played one game out of the whole Tomb Raider series which is Tomb Raider: Anniversary. A lot of people apparently didn’t like that game but I really enjoy playing it right now. I’m trying to beat the game so hopefully, I can beat it by summertime. I’m also interested in playing Tomb Raider: Underworld though I’m playing Tomb Raider Legend first since it’s the prequel to that game.

Did you ever play Tomb Raider?
  • Yes, I’ve played at least one game in the series.
  • Of course, I’ve played them all so far!
  • Heard about them but never had the interest to play them before.
  • No, I’m good though. Not into Tomb Raider at all.
  • Nope, didn’t even know this was a thing.

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Which game(s) did you play in the series? What did you think of them overall? Is there a game that catches your interest the most out of the series?
New Mobile App for this year:

List of current video games in the Tomb Raider series:

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I have the game Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Didn’t know there was more games to the series before it though so I’ll definitely check it out.

@Gamers what about you?

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Got all the classics, and 2016 and shadow.

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I only have the Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider ones :sob:


tbh, classic tomb raiders are hell to get outside of PC (and they’re finnicky so it’s not a fun experience)
if you have an xbox 360 or one you can get the tomb raider legend timeline on that console.
Or on a PS3


I heard that the most recent tomb raider game kinda relied on shock factor :eyes: is this true?

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