Total Drama Island ☼ General Chat

Total Drama Island

This is the chat thread for Total Drama Island, the RP! Please use this thread instead of the sign-up thread! I will also be using this thread for announcements regarding the RP.

The only two rules I can think of are to try to keep drama out of this chat and also not to advertise your own RPs/SGs/any of that here. Have fun!

Faceclaims: Click here!
Map/pictures of the camp: Click here!
Sign-up thread: Click here!
Official thread: Click here!

Tags - These are people who reserved, I will go through the list later and take people out who never made a character so that way I won't keep tagging them



Woot woot


quick question…who’s approachable? :sob:

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@Dying_Dragon I’ll reply later I’m not focused enough now


hallo michi :sunglasses:

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Alright :sunglasses:

Hey babe

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Who is still approachable?

I have Wren and I haven’t posted for my guys yet, but it’s probably best not to approach me now since I’m super busy rip


I keep getting notifications from posts that have already been posted rip


Hey @sofia did you finis the FCs? Do you need help?

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I’ve got Cael and Aurora

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It’s a bug.

I’ll approach both if that’s okay?!


Also Sofia can you put them in alphabetical order or if you need it I can do it?..

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Lmao go ahead but you don’t have to—I mean there’s a lot of other people still approachable too lol

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Kind of, I have all the characters up on the fcs now but I still have to add your girl’s information and then a few other characters’ information that I’m waiting on that needs to be sent to me. I also have to finish writing my characters and then organize the fcs a bit more.
But I’m good, thanks for offering!


Ooh, yeah, I can do that! I have to check over the teams once more to make sure genders and numbers are even, but I’ll do that later. But it’s alright, thanks!

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oml i have so much catching up to dooo :woman_facepalming:t2:


Ok, so the faceclaims are mostly updated, at least all the characters are on the faceclaims now but I still have to add information and organize the slides a bit more. I will get to that later though! I’m about to fill out a form requesting a tag for us and then I’m going to go do schoolwork. Later tonight I’ll make the map slides and post it!

As for what’s going on in the RP, today (irl, not in the RP) the characters will just be arriving and socializing. Sometime tonight or tomorrow morning (EST) I’ll have Chris tell them all to go to the firepit area so they can continue talking there. Around midday tomorrow Chris will announce the teams and from there the characters will change and start the challenge!

I won’t be too active for the next couple of days since school ended yesterday for me but we had a storm/lost power so work was extended until tomorrow or Monday, so I still have a thirteen-page essay (well I only have four pages left) left to finish, a 3-5 page essay to start/finish, a test to take, and some form thing to fill out which is my final for a class. I’ll still try to keep this RP moving along though!

Tags - These are people who reserved, I will go through the list later and take people out who never made a character so that way I won't keep tagging them
