Trigger Warning by Mick Hume

Yeah this is the thing I don’t think a lot of the alt right influencers get when they throw around their propaganda.

Self censorship doesn’t go against free speech laws. If it did, then you’d have to go to jail every time you decided not to say something because the time wasn’t appropriate or you didn’t think it was a good idea, since you’re the one doing the censoring.

Free speech laws are there to protect us from the government, not from the judgement of others. We’re not children and free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences


I mean there’s hate on both sides in that area, for sure. People don’t really know how to mind their own business.

But that isn’t a free speech issue



We do get a lot of pro-lifers getting mad over pro-choicers so technically, that’s silencing.

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When a lot of these people say “fear of being offensive is killing free speech”, what they’re really saying is “my free speech matters more than the people saying I’m offensive”. Because in order to stop that from happening, we’d have to shut up all the people who are getting offended


Doxxing isn’t free speech either. That’s putting someone’s life in jeopardy.

It’s free speech sure, but it’s also illegal. That’s where free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences

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By that, I mean to allow people to say offensive things without that fear, you’d need to say to the offended people “shut up and let me talk”.


Yes, the abortion argument does have a lot to do with free speech. I don’t see anyone trying to shut pro-lifers up, tho, I’m just sayin’.

Mostly I see people trying to shut up abuse victims, tbh. Because it’s better to shut up an argument you can’t fight.


See the hypocrisy there?


I see a lot of outrage at pro lifers and people wishing they’d shut up…

But me saying “I wish they’d shut up” isn’t the same as me stopping them from speaking. It’s just me using my free speech to show I dislike their free speech


This is where complexities lie.

Literally the only way to threaten someone’s free speech is to try and have legislation put through that would actively jeopardise their right to say certain things. I don’t see many people threatening to put a bill through the Government in internet debates I’m ngl.

So this whole ‘free speech’ thing is complete and utter bull. Your free speech isn’t being impeded in any way, neither is mine. Grow up

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I can tell by the title alone this book was written by a sad, scared Gamergate type who doesn’t like it when people tell him he said something offensive.

And the fellacio on the bottom of the cover is massively cringey

That or threaten their life for speaking. Or, you know, actively closing their mouth.

If your workplace decides that your words are going to ruin their reputation or your friends decide they don’t want to associate with you because of what you said, the only way to stop that from happening is to take their freedoms away and force them to not be offended or speak about it


Because you can say “shut up and don’t judge them” all you want, but people are still going to voice their outrage unless you start forcing it by law.

And then you’re in the realms of no free speech

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But I can’t order it online, 'cause I don’t have how to pay for it… :no_mouth:

Yes, and I don’t see many of the people complaining about their free speech being threatened by anyone other than one or two internet trolls. In which case, join the club. I’ve been there too


So basically, people who make the statement that’s on the book cover either don’t understand what free speech is or they think their freedom is more important than other people’s


And on top of that, a lot of these people using this rhetoric use scare tactics like doxxing and death threats to shut people up and stop them from being offended. It’s so hypocritical


That’s why we don’t punish people for speaking. We punish them for the outcomes of their choices.

If you said something that caused your company a big loss of money, they’re in their rights to fire you for ruining their reputation.

If you make someone feel unsafe, you deserve to be put straight

If you send out death threats online, it’s 100% fair for you to be arrested. What else are they supposed to do? Wait until you kill someone?


Maybe find it in your local library.