At the library, I came across this book and I can’t wait to read it. This looks very interesting!
I mean I have a very easy answer for you.
… No. It’s not. You can be as offensive as you want, someone will tell you it was offensive. That isn’t limiting your free speech, that’s them using theirs. God it just makes me angry
If people are so afraid that people are going to dislike them or disassociate with them because of what they say, maybe they should say it so people can decide if they like the true person behind the fear
I for one would hate to know that my friend is only likeable because they’re scared of being offensive. Be offensive and let me stop being friends with you, coward
Are people willing to throw a friendship away over an opinion?
It depends on how bad the opinion was! I mean if I had a friend who secretly thought really racist things about my race, I’d ditch them
Just like I ditched “hot for a black girl” guy
That’s fair enough!
Personally, I’m too blunt for some people and it’s not intentional or anything like I don’t wake up in the morning like “who am I going to p*ss off today?” It just happens in some conversations. Never on a big scale but people seem to take it so seriously like I once told people I hated coldplay and they were all like “how could you say that? They’re so good stop bullying coldplay!” I’m sure Chris Martin is doing just fine without somebody defending him, I said my opinion and that opinion was that I didn’t like coldplay I didn’t say they were a bad band or that they sucked I just said I hated them which is how I feel . At least I didn’t go into a comment section being rude to fans.
This is just one example and I understand there are far worse opinions to have. I don’t get offended very easily though. There is a difference between being offended and being annoyed.
Don’t forget that people love to play a game of twist twist woo. That means when you say something, people take it out of context.
For example, I say that I’m not interested in dating, sex & relationships and someone decides put words in my mouth, telling everyone that I’m a frigid and vanilla (I hate that term with a passion but I gotta use it as an example). Of course I have the right to be offended and cut them out of my life.
Indeed they do! Unless you’ve heard the words from my mouth I probably didn’t say them. I once said something very sarcastically and my ex told people I was being serious, it was awful…
I’m very blunt, but in my opinion, being offensive is quite… flexible. Everyone has things that they take offence to.
Oh man I bet it was.
Seriously, people just want to be edgy so they do that sh*t.
I’m blunt myself but I know my limits.
Being offensive when speaking your mind doesn’t make whatever you said a hate speech. At least not necessarily.
I tend to try and think of the intention behind what the person has said and as far as I’m concerned if you state an opinion I’m allowed to question you on it. (Not you specifically just anyone who states an opinion)
It can be very hard for me to interpret peoples feelings or intentions though so I mostly just take things as they are. For example if they said something like “climate protests are dumb” I would disagree with them but it’s not a personal attack and they are entitled to have that opinion.
Whereas if they said something like “black hair looks awful” I’d be questioning their intentions, do they think my hair looks awful, or just all black hair?
By the way, the book looks interesting
Even worse is when people attack you for no reason just because you’re a woman that don’t want children.
… Yeah but none of this is against free speech in any way
People in America especially have a chronic misunderstanding of what free speech is
I meant when you say that.
Strange how some anti-feminists I came across acted like feminists are so hateful towards women that want children when it’s actually some anti-feminist women that look down on women that don’t want children.
Not sure if you can find it in your local library but maybe you can order it online.