Trolls world tour is coming out this Friday



Poppy and Branch discover that there are six different troll tribes scattered over six different lands. Each tribe is also devoted to six different kinds of music – funk, country, techno, classical, pop and rock. When rockers Queen Barb and King Thrash set out to destroy the other music, Poppy and Branch embark on a daring mission to unite the trolls and save the diverse melodies from becoming extinct.

Anyone going to watch it this Friday and it should show on the movie channel.

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Y’know I haven’t seen it and don’t really want to :sweat_smile: however I heard they make the rock music trolls the bad guys and what they actually manage to do is capture genre elitism within the rock/metal community which is quite amusing to me.

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I have seen the first movie and it was amazing.
Although the second movie is cool and I haven’t seen it yet. But the music is really catchy.

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I think I’ve seen half of the first movie, it was very colourful hehe

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Yep, i already have the music cd.

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Yeah…I was sad rock were the villains.

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o.O what’s wrong with rap?

Rock are always the villains :joy: sad times

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