+dior: flashback
It was summer, meaning they had a lot of time, Dior sat crossed on Alissa’s bed legs crossed eating a cookie really slowly- it was the first cookie she had since she came to Alissa’s house, not wanting to eat too much. Dior was recovering, she really was and was doing better lately, she was weight restored after all- or soon to be and she was going to eat more cookies but old habits die hard.
Alissa sat with papers scrambled, her eyes on them, “Senior year is coming, we are finally going to be happy.” She told Dior with a smile, “Everyone will be safe and we can be true to ourselves.” Alissa continued- true to themselves was something Dior never imagined to be possible. Ever since she got into high school, Dior had to be everything she was not- to appease the school, to make sure middle school was not repeated again, to be at the top. She was still very hesitant about all this, because what if it backfired on them? What if it completely ruins their reputation? Dior would do anything for her reputation, there were two things that were really important to Dior, Alissa and her reputation, and sometimes Dior knows she puts her reputation above Alissa but Alissa is the person she cares most for.
“True to ourselves?” Dior smiled, “And you don’t have to be with him anymore,” Dior said talking about Alissa’s boyfriend, “Once this is over, we will hopefully be freed, we will make the news and become more popular.” Alissa frowned at the last part.
“It’s not just about popularity Dior, it’s about us and the school. The students need to know the type of school they are actually in, save themselves before something bad happens.”
“I know it’s not about Popularity Alissa,” She holds Alissa’s hands, “It’s just you know,” And alissa nodded because she did know. She knew Dior, she wrapped her hands around Dior in a hug.
“I’m a little scared,” She admitted,
“I am too.” Dior said her eyes closed as she hugged Alissa.
“I just found out something too, something that might prevent or help us.”
“What is it?” Dior asked curious. Alissa gave her a nervous look before she whispered into her ear and Dior grabbed her by the shoulders, giving her a disappointed and betrayed look.
“You weren’t supposed to fcking do that, Alissa! We never agreed on you doing that.”
“I know, I know but.” Dior packed her things, “Dior were are you going?”
“I don’t want to hear it, leave me alone, you never told me you were going to do that,” She said as she opened the door, Alissa rushed after her as Dior reached the door.