I’m making this thread so that more users can join the main tag groups used here on the forums. I will list them by the sections they fit into for the groups. I feel like some users aren’t seeing many of the various tags that we use here or do not know how to possibly find them to join up. So I will be giving a step by step guide on how to add yourself to an existing tag or request to be added to a tag.
First off, we will start with how to join and request to join a tag. In the picture below, you will go to your profile page and click the expand button, which is in the top right-hand corner just under your profile thumbnail.
Once you do that, you will need to click on the group section that is in your bio. It will be right above the Summary and Activity tab. Click on the first group so that you can get to the tag section.
Now that you have the tag section open, you can choose to join a group from here. Right next to the purple members, but on the left should be a choice box. Click on that box to look at the different groups. Once you have chosen a group, click the join button, which will be right under your user thumbnail.
After that, you will be part of that group once you see the join button turn red and says leave instead. If you have to request access, then it will say request beforehand, then it will prompt you to message those in charge of the group for access.
The guide above is for those who want to know how to get to the tag section so they can use it. Let me know if you have any questions! I will be listing the group tags below as well. These groups are all the public group tags that you can join. I will not list off the closed groups since they aren’t public. If you can’t click on a tag below, just follow the steps above to get to the tag section. I hope this is helpful to everyone!
I’ve added the descriptions for each tag on here so that you can just click and join them instead.
Announcements/discussion/Quiz/Question Tags:
@18-Plus-Games - A group for all the drinking games and other antics that the kids probably shouldn’t see. Feel free to add anyone you know who’s over 18. The Restricted Section is available to Patreon supporters who wanna discuss other 18+ topics!
@Challenges - This group is for people who are interested in the monthly activity competition and other activity challenges. You can also use this tag for your own activity challenges but please ask @Duckling for permission first. Feel free to join or leave as you please!
@Announcements - This group is for people who want to be kept in the loop. It is the equivalent of a @everyone tag on Discord!
@BeautyEssentials - For people who want to be tagged in the beauty section.
@BirthdaysAreAwesome - This is for people who would like to be notified when someone has a birthday!
@Bloggers - This is a group who want to help the forums financially even if they aren’t able to do so, which is totally okay. If you want to help then just join this group to receive a daily tag about a blog to read.
One read a day will go a long way! -
@Discussions - A group for all of the people who would like to receive an @mention whenever there is an interesting discussion topic.
@MemeLords - A group for the people interested in memes and meme contests
@TriviaAttendees - This group is for the Video Games/TV/Movies/Books Trivia Game hosted by WolfGamerGirl37. If you wish to join the games simply request access to this group or just vote as you please.
@WeeklyUserQuiz - This tag is for users who want to keep up with the quiz updates and users who have signed up for it in order to know when they get picked.
@PubQuiz - A group for anyone who wants to be alerted about Pub Quiz activities. You can join and leave as you please!
@PollBattle - A group for everyone who is interested in the poll battle and in poll battle-related announcements. Feel free to join or leave as you please!
@AnimeNerds - This group is for people who are interested in the anime & manga section of the forums and want to get tagged for new threads and discussions in that section.
@AnimeWeekly - This tag will be used for notifying people in the tag when the weekly anime thread is posted!
@Foodies - For those of us who love food and want to be tagged in discussions about it
@ScreenSloths - This group is for users who are interested in the Film & TV section of the forums and want to get tagged for new threads and discussions in that section.
@Bookworms - This group is for people who are interested in the books section of the forums and want to get tagged for new threads and discussions in that section.
@EpisodeBookClub - The Episode Book Club, for discovering new stories and getting yours reviewed!
@Writers - This tag is used for updates on writing challenges and writing advice around the forums.
@EarlyBirds - This group is for the early birds of the central American timezone plus any other overlapping timezone. That way we can make sure everyone is notified when activities are happening during the allotted time.
@NightOwls - This tag is going to be used to connect most of the night owls to most activities happening at night. Similar to the discussion tag but for the late-night group instead.
@Advisers - A group for people to give and receive advice on the anonymous advice threads
@BuzzfeedQuiz - For anyone who wants to get notified on the daily quiz.
@DailyQuestion - This group tag will be used to tag users whenever the new daily patrons question gets posted in the lounge. This is a Patron Only Tag
@MerchUpdates - This group is for those who want to opt in to gaining announcements and updates on the Forums Redbubble merch store. New merch being added will be the main announcement, though there may be more!
@QuestionsThread - This group will now be acting as signups for the Question Thread! If you would like to put your name forward for the next Question Threads draw, please join this group and follow these steps:
- Contribute at least one question to the new thread each week.
- Stay active: log on at least once a week.
- Have no approved flags for the week.
You will not be considered for next week’s Question Thread if you have not asked a question this week. Good luck!
- @WeeklyUserQuiz - This tag is for users who want to keep up with the quiz updates and users who have signed up for it in order to know when they get picked.
- @RPQuestions - The users in this group can be RPers or not. Even without a character signed up you can join this tag to be notified of the new RP Character questions threads each week or any related announcements. All RPers with characters signed up for a thread must be part of this tag, and ask questions on the current week’s thread to have a chance at being chosen next week.
- @DuckDom - For all the citizens in DuckDom, this tag will be used to draw your attention to any important decisions that we need to make regarding our lovely nation (which is gonna win, obviously). Duck Cult.
- @Eyeland - A group tag to keep citizens of Eyeland informed about the battle of nations. Feel free to join, but ask @Hanna1 about it first.
- @Familie - This group is for our family members who want to be kept in the loop about what’s happening.
- @TheFoundation - This is the group for those who have pledged on Patreon to receive your ad-free experience.
- @TheDungeon - This group is for patrons who have pledged for the $6 Belly of the Whale tier or above to get access to the Restricted Section. For all your NSFW needs! You can also purchase the Restricted Section for 3 dollars a month on its own as well. 18+ Up Only.
- @Starz - ~This tag will be used for announcements regarding citizens of Star Kingdom~
- @Starz_MG - ~This tag will be used for reminders~ Star Kingdom
@Utensils - The very official group tag for the Utensil Cult, used for spamming our fellow cult members and alerting them of events
- @DailyWord - This tag will be used when the new daily word is up and you want to be notified about it.
- @FridayChats - We chat on Zoom or Twitch every Friday about a variety of topics! From racism to writing!
- @MoodCalendar - This is the tag for the Rad Mood Calendar thread!
- @NetflixJunkies - For Netflix show threads and Netflix recommendations!
- @SocialStar - This is a group for people who want to help with the forum social medias, it will be used to tag people when help is needed and as a way of coming together to discuss ideas for our forum social media accounts (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter)
- @VCers - This is a group for users who want to be tagged to know when a VC (voice call) is taking place on the Discord server. You don’t have to talk in a VC, you may just want to listen and type. It’s up to you, anything is fine. It’s just for fun and sometimes we even play group games.
Artistic/Roleplaying/Outfit Contests/Music
For RP Groups, go to the sign-up page first!
- @LoveisBlind - Love is blind rp❣
- @LasLavendasCitizens - A group of all the Las Levendas Rpers! Please join if you’re participating in the rp, and contact @GlitterFist or @AstroPoison with any questions!
- @FTDFam - The Fairytaled Cult-Fam includes everyone who is a part of the Fairytaled RP on the ShanniiWrites Forums <3.
- @EliteXOXO - The RP group for ‘Elite XOXO’.
- @Dungeoneers - Tag is used to alert members of the Adventures with Dungeons and Dragons roleplay of events in the RP.
- @DarkSnowRP - If you see this, this person is part of the Dark Snow RP.
- @ClippedWingsClub - A tag for the members of the RP ‘The Clipped Wings Club’.
- @Castaways - This group is for all of the RPers in the Castaways RP.
- @CampSeafare - This is for all members of the Camp Seafare RP~
- @BreakoutRP - This is for announcements and important updates in the Breakout RP
- @AtlantisRP - This is the group for everyone in the Atlantis RP
- @EmojiContest - This group is for anyone who wants to be notified of future emoji contests!
- @Artists - If you are an artist and you would like to know all about the latest news, updates and competitions in the ShanniiWrites art community, sign up to the group here!
- @BlueRoyalty - RP group - The RP group for ‘Blue Royalty’.
- @CHBRPers - RP group - The official group for Camp-Half Blood Role-players.
- @HOSSGroup -RP group - A group tag for the SG “Harem of Glittering Feathers”.
- @MysticLakeRP - RP group - This is the group for all role players in the Mystic Lake Academy RP.
- @OutfitContest - To notify people who are interested about the weekly outfit contest
- @Music - A group for the people who want to contribute to the musical side of the forum!
- @RPQuiz - For those who want to be notified for the RP quiz.
- @RPers - For any RPers who want to get notifications when something’s going on.
- @TheHideawayRP - RP group - This group is for the members of the Hideaway RP and will allow people to get the attention of every member at once for important events and announcements, as well as questions they may have for everyone.
- @TruthorDareRPers - The RP group for “Truth or Dare”, a RP made by Ani & Echo.
- @MusicLotto - Choco’s Weekly Music Reviews - The group for the weekly music review/critique thread, Roulette. If you wanna hear new genres and lovely unique sounds, this is the place for you!
- @ADChallenge - This group is to keep people informed about new content related to the weekly animal drawing challenge. Feel free to join and leave as you please!
- @SimmersClub - We can use the group to go over the more refine details of the contests.
- @Kpoppers - This tag is for people interested in kpop (the music genre) and want to be notified on discussions about it.
- @GamersUnite - Users in this group is part of the open Game Club on the forums. Sign ups are always open. We will play games then post our thoughts about the game on the Game Review thread. Each game can take up to 1-3 weeks depending on the game. Head over the the Game Club thread to sign-up!
- @LimeGroveRP - The RP group for “Lime Grove”.
@ForumEmos - The emos of the forum unite as one in this group
- @LGBTCommunity - For members of the LGBT community who are on the SWF to talk and so others can be taught about it by actual LGBT members
- @P.E.A.K - A tag list for the P.E.A.K. Academy of Academic Excellence RP.
- @RotandRuinRP - This group is for the Rot and Ruin RP.
@SevenSeas - Seven Seas high rp
- @TheHeist - This is a group for the RPers who joined The Heist, organized by WhiteBlossom and Fraud.
@TheSelection -
The purpose of this group is for the ones that are in the Selection RP. This tag will most likely only be used to notify everyone when there is something happening in the RP or we need everyone’s advice on things. Once you do leave the selection, you will be removed from this so you don’t need to worry about getting notifications. Love y’all <3 - @TotalDramaIslandRP - This group is for everyone in the Total Drama Island RP.
- @X-Men - A group tag for the X-Men: First Class role play.
- @AytoGang - Best gang ever
- @Captioners - A group for users interested in the weekly Caption Competition.
- @Contestants - People participating in the ShanniiWrites Forum contest.
- @DensvilleRPers - This is for people who are in the Legend of the Densville Switch RPers who will get notified when there is a change or announcement to be made about the roleplay.
- @GamerContestants - GamerContestants
- @HanabiraStudents - Welcome To Hanabira Academy! An Academy for all students alike. Whether you are here for academic sorts- Say, Our prestigious clubs and full scholarships. Or the amazing careers you can achieve with just a year of attending our academy! Many students come here looking for a fresh start and often times find more than just success along the way friendships, trust, confidence, and most importantly- School Spirit! When you enter Hanabira you are guaranteed a better path down life. Brilliant teachers and staff will always be here to guide you through the school year. Welcome, To Hanabira!
- @HideNSeek - This group is basically just to discuss how the game works and what they users are meant to do in the game and discuss the rules. It is also used to plan when the next events are going to be happening.
- @HouseofCaesar - A Tag for the RPers of the House of Caesar RP
- @MCSS - This is the group tag for the Meraki Coast: Summer of Secrets Roleplay!
- @PCEAStudents - A tag for everyone in the Just Another School for the Gifted RP!
- @RPBuzzfeedQuiz - Have you ever have trouble getting into the mindset of a character for an upcoming roleplay? Perhaps you’re simply losing interest in a character because you can’t relate to them? Or maybe; you just want to get to know your characters a little bit more. Well this is your chance to change all that. Join the RP Buzzfeed Quizzers group and have the ability to get into your characters mindset on the daily through fun, wacky quizzes.
- @RPQuestions - The users in this group can be RPers or not. Even without a character signed up you can join this tag to be notified of the new RP Character questions threads each week or any related announcements.
All RPers with characters signed up for a thread must be part of this tag, and ask questions on the current week’s thread to have a chance at being chosen next week.
- @SongChallenge - This is a group tag that’ll be used to notify people as a reminder of when to post their next song for the 30 Day Song Challenge thread! It’ll also be used to notify people if we go another round.
- @Westerians - Cadets, creatures, wanderers, and travellers residing in Westeira, choosing science or magic, Selenium or Lakora.
- @Builders - Worldbuilding/character building here! If you have any questions/want to share any advice here is the place to tag!
- @CatActivityGame - This group is for all those playing the Cat Activity Game that wants to be notified. When there are new challenges and updates to the game.
- @StoryEvent - A group for everyone who wants to be tagged for the polls in the Interactive Story Event. You can join and leave whenever you want.
- @OtomeReviewClub - It will be used to tag those who want to see the reviews and make choices in the story for the Voltage Inc Otome games that I play.
- @Gamers - If you are a gamer and you would like to keep up with all the latest gaming news and updates in the ShanniiWrites Community, sign up here!
- @Gaming - This tag serves these purposes, for allowing game hosts to tag others conveniently, and to use once they open a new forum game thread.
- @Mafia - If you want to be notified of a new Mafia game, this is where you join!
- @FindtheKnife - This group is for people playing my game ‘Find The Knife’.
@AmongUs - For people who want to play Among us with other forumers
- @Coveters - If you play Covet Fashion, feel free to join this group if you want to be notified of Covet contests and other Covet related stuff!
- @Zepetonians - A group for people interested in the app zepeto and zepeto related events
- @TMFPW - This tag will be used to notify people of everything related to tmfpw (the most frequent poster wins). Feel free to join and leave as you please!
- @ForumMysteries - This tag is to be used to inform users who want to partake in forum murder mystery-themed events. They will take place on the website and all over the forums. Anyone can join and take part in the mystery, it’s open to all
- @HideNSeek - This group is basically just to discuss how the game works and what they users are meant to do in the game and discuss the rules. It is also used to plan when the next events are going to be happening.
@KitoUpdates - This is the group for people who want updates in real time for my story, Kito
- @S-Gamers - ~This tag will be used when announcing tasks and reminders~ (You will need to go to the S-Gamer page)
- @TapasTeam - This group is for people who want to get notified about any Tapas related announcement or information on the forums.
- @TownResidents - This tag is for all people who want to be notified when a new announcement, event, or game is starting in the Town of Salem forum game! It is also meant for participants in general.
- @WattpadWizards - This group is for any users who want to be notified on topics regarding the Wattpad platform.
- @WiiSportsTournament - Hello! Please join this group to be notified of all announcements in the Wii Sports Tournament
- @POVers - This is the group tag for people who would like to be notified when POV posts are made. POV means point of view. Posts under this tag will contain certain situations that you can put yourself in and comment on what you’d do.
- @RealisticWriting - Helping and getting help writing realistically.
- @WebtoonPals - People who love Webtoon
- @AstrologyStudents - This group is for astrology students, people who like the whole hand reading thing, the Zodiac stuff, describe their personalities, and give them advice . This group is basically just for people interested in astrology.
- @Debaters - Use to debate two or more people fighting. Join if you interested in debating with other people.
- @ChineseLessons - Join this tag for updates on the lessons!
@GreekLessons - Feel free to join this group if you want to be notified every time @Nessie or @StarMaryGoth post a new lesson on the “Learn Greek” thread.
You can leave anytime! - @Helpers - Helpful Helpers that love helping others
- @HomeworkHelp - This is our designated ShanniiWrites study group! Join if you either need help with your homework or would like to help others with theirs. Maybe you want both!
- @Mathletes - This group is for anyone interested in Math and want to get tagged for new threads and discussions related to Math. It aims to discuss the topics such as algebra, calculus, geometry, logic, number theory or any other topic related to Math.
- @Scientists - This group is for anyone interested in science. Whether that is psychics, astronomy, biochemistry, weather, or earth science, any genre/sub-genre of science can be discussed here!
- @Students - Join this group if you’re a student who wants to be notified of any school-related discussions! Or if you’re not a student and just want to be notified of any school-related discussions!
- @ShanniisTutoring - This is a group designed for the promotion and use of ShanniiWrites’ tutoring business! Sign up for the latest news and updates!
- @Proofreadsquad - Where we go and proofread your stories.
- @Psychologists - This group will be for those who are always interested in psychological discussions and more. We want to share mind-blowing knowledge and spread awareness about our mind and more.