Unpopular (random) opinions based on film or TV shows

Not enough to sit through a whole movie though :joy:


I suppose this rant/opinion has been a long time coming but I really hate the way emos/goths/scene kids are portrayed in movies most of the time. As an emo myself it frustrates me to see movies show all goths as being rude, moody and a whole other bunch of negative things. For one thing goths/emos at a teenage age are gonna be just as moody as any other freakin teenager! There isnā€™t an exception just because they wear heavy eyeliner, wear all black and dye their hair. Itā€™s all so stereotypical and considering the amount of bullying goths/emos/scene kids can go through just for looking different, those movies really donā€™t help with that. (Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m not saying these movies cause bullying but letā€™s face it they donā€™t help).

For once I want to see a movie that wasnā€™t made and directed by Tim Burton but still shows gothic and dark things in a good way, in the right way instead of adding onto stereotypes.

It extends to social media too, you see posts and stuff about all goths having BO and I just find it completely uncalled for.

Movies where goths are shown as being something different that should be made fun of are just dumb. There is nothing wrong with being a goth/emo/scene person, they arenā€™t all rude (there are rude people out there but it has nothing to do with the clothes they wear or the music they listen to).

If you donā€™t want to dress like that then donā€™t but Iā€™ll never understand why all goths are shown to be some kind of disease.

Yes there can be some elitism but it varies from person to person. Not everybody is like that.

  • I donā€™t like the live action of Disney movies except for Maleficent
  • Keenan & Kel was an awesome show on Nick, same with Drake & Josh
  • Bird Box is an awesome film
  • Bend It Like Beckham is underrated af
  • Hot Fuzz is amazing
  • I find docu-dramas interesting such as Murdered By My Boyfriend and Murdered By My Father as they are both cautionary tales of domestic abuse (well one is about honour killing). Remember, if you plan to watch these make sure you donā€™t watch it around kids because they contain a lot of upsetting scenes.

Small bump

The shining isnā€™t a good movie, Iā€™m not just saying that because the book is better, the shining is just not a good movie.

Itā€™s not a good filmā€¦

But why do you think that?

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Basically they turned it in to something dumb, itā€™s not scary by any means and Iā€™m not all too keen on it. It had potential and it isnā€™t unwatchable, but it isnā€™t good.

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And I heard that they basically tormented the actors too. Super dark.

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Added film and shows tag.


Iā€™m a big Stephen King lover, but I have to agree. Iā€™ve attempted the shining many times through my life and I donā€™t think itā€™s ever held my attention through the entire movie.

Doctor Sleep (the sequel) was pretty good though.


I have a guilty pleasure for soap operas. I donā€™t like American ones, but Korean onesā€¦

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Disney Channel shows are so overrated my Godddd. People need to stop treating them like god-tier when iCarly & Victorious exists :woman_bald:


:notes:You donā€™t have to be afraid to put your dreams in action!
Youā€™re never gonna fade youā€™ll be the main attractionnnn


I didnā€™t grow up with Disney Channel but Iā€™ve seen clips and stuff. It never interested me.


ā€œAll Thatā€, ā€œKenan & Kelā€, and ā€œSabrina, the Teenage Witchā€ were iconic!


Noggin was amazing.

Seriously, I loved ā€œWonder Petsā€, ā€œOswaldā€, ā€œFranklinā€, and ā€œLittle Billā€. My whole childhood.


I loved Disney but now? Nope.

I barely watch TV anyways


I do and I donā€™t

I watch the shows I want to see but when I was younger Iā€™d watch anything that was onā€¦

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Me too.

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Update: Okay, thereā€™s actually a show from Disney that can fight with Victorious. Itā€™s Violetta.

Iā€™m not having any discussions about this, especially if you havenā€™t watched the show, period.

And Disney is superior since they have movies. Teen Beach Movie and Lemonade Mouth are unstoppable.

I could go on, after all, Nickelodeon had A:TLA. Both channels Nick and Disney are great, but Iā€™m tired of people treating Disney like it was the best thing ever, youā€™re not obsessed with Disney, you donā€™t like it that much, you just want your childhood back.